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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

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183. The Science of Human Development: Eighth Lecture 01 Sep 1918, Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
This is something that is not emphasized by history, but it must be understood if one wants to properly understand the declining third post-Atlantic cultural period. We are dealing with the declining third post-Atlantic cultural period, coming from earlier centuries and millennia to the eighth century BC.
But now it is a matter for the 'dead man to understand that which is revealed to him in the sight of death from the other side of life. He understands this better and better by the fact that, depending on whether he has spoken this or that language, he dissolves these or those words.
The dissolution of this holy name is connected with the understanding of the spiritualization of death. It is a concept that is extremely difficult to describe. Death, viewed from the other side, can be called spiritualization.
183. The Science of Human Development: Ninth Lecture 02 Sep 1918, Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
Thus, Ahrimanic and Luciferic powers must participate in our becoming human, and the human cannot be understood without calling upon the Ahrimanic and the Luciferic for help. Humanity cannot be spared the task of truly understanding the activity of Ahriman and Lucifer in the future.
Thus idealists, abstract idealists, are actually under the influence of Lucifer, while materialists are under the influence of Ahriman. It is necessary to engage with these things, not just to engage in so-called theosophy in a schematic way, but to engage with these more precise things.
People must come to understand the perspectivity of time. When this understanding of the perspectivity of time comes among people, then they will no longer say: Here is idealism, but it is only a mere dream that has no force of nature, and on the other side lies the natural order.
184. Three Streams in Human Evolution: Lecture I 04 Oct 1918, Dornach
Translated by Charles Davy

Rudolf Steiner
In ordinary life we do not go in for what the chemist does when, instead of leaving water as the simple liquid it appears to be, he analyses it into hydrogen and oxygen. Spiritual science must undertake this analysis. Spiritual science must go in for spiritual chemistry; otherwise it will never be possible thoroughly to understand human life.
It is Ahrimanic to take a certain realm of human activity and to wish to bring the whole world under its aegis. All that is connected with man's lust for ruling over his fellows, all that is in opposition to healthy social impulses, is of an Ahrimanic nature.
This is essentially one of the mysteries of life. Forebears would understand their descendants far better, and parents their children, if they were able to look this fact in the face completely without prejudice.
184. Three Streams in Human Evolution: Lecture II 05 Oct 1918, Dornach
Translated by Charles Davy

Rudolf Steiner
We live through our earthly life, therefore, without being able to understand the Christ Impulse with the help of our original evolution. From this you can gather the following. There were contemporaries of Christ, His disciples; they went about with Him; through the traditional primeval wisdom they could acquire so much wisdom about Him that later they were able to produce the Gospels—but they could not really understand Him. Right up to their deaths they certainly never reached an understanding of the Christ Impulse.
See the lecture cycle: Building Stones for an Understanding of the Mystery of Golgotha (notably lectures 5–8) given in Berlin, March 27th to April 24th, 1917.
184. Three Streams in Human Evolution: Lecture III 06 Oct 1918, Dornach
Translated by Charles Davy

Rudolf Steiner
The second thing I said yesterday is that man, with the understanding he possesses according to his development as an earthly being, is never able, right up to his death, to comprehend the Mystery of Golgotha through his own understanding developed within the sense-world.
Men wish to understand these truths, and modern Protestant theologians want to understand them in terms of theology, with the ordinary human intellect.
Otherwise its meaning is no different from what people call “understanding.” What people themselves call understanding often signifies very little where truths revealed from the spiritual world are concerned.
184. Three Streams in Human Evolution: Lecture IV 11 Oct 1918, Dornach
Translated by Charles Davy

Rudolf Steiner
Thus they are within human evolution, these three streams, and all that happens in the evolution of mankind is under their influence. As a consequence of all that goes with these streams, human evolution as a whole came to an important crossroads in a certain definite year.
But take in real earnest the picture you must make for yourselves, and you will have to say: We have certainly entered the age of human evolution in which one meets with the least understanding when speaking of the spiritual knowledge most suited to this particular age. I might say that never have two parties in the world understood each other so little as do the spiritual and the non-spiritual to-day. Those who are spiritual can certainly understand the non-spiritual; that is not particularly difficult; but the non-spiritual defend themselves with all the weapons they have—especially with their tongues—against any understanding of the spiritual.
184. Three Streams in Human Evolution: Lecture V 12 Oct 1918, Dornach
Translated by Charles Davy

Rudolf Steiner
Such a being, if suddenly precipitated into earthly existence, would find a very great deal that he could not understand; but one thing he would understand. If you took this being—wherever he came from—and showed him Leonardo's “Last Supper,” pointing out the action of the Christ, he would in his own way get some feeling for the meaning of the earth.
But go and look at the pictures which were painted about the way in which the Schoolmen behaved towards the Arabian philosophers; see how in the sense of Western Christian tradition the Schoolman is shown standing there with his Christian doctrine and preparing to tread the Arabian men of learning under foot ... over and over again this same passionate theme, the treading under foot of the Arabian men of learning by the force of Christ.
The discerning of nature's rhythms—that will be true natural science. By learning to understand the rhythms in nature we shall even come to a certain application of the rhythmical in technology.
184. Three Streams in Human Evolution: Lecture VI 13 Oct 1918, Dornach
Translated by Charles Davy

Rudolf Steiner
Yes, indeed, my dear friends, under the influence of Augustus something developed in Rome very different from anything experienced earlier in Greece.
To see in forms the signature of the Divine in the world, but to understand these forms; not to speak in terms of dogma about Lucifer, Ahriman and Christ, but to have this trinity before us in artistic forms—this is what we need.
1. See Building Stones for an Understanding of the Mystery of Golgotha, lecture 5.2. See True Nature of the Second Coming.
Three Streams in Human Evolution: A Note on Jundí Sábúr
Translated by Charles Davy

Rudolf Steiner
Le Strange's Lands of the Eastern Khalifate (Cambridge, 1909): “Eight leagues north-west of Tustar, on the road to Dizful, lie the ruins now called Shahabad, which mark the site of Junday Sabur or Jundí-Shápúr. Under the Sassanians, Junday Sabur had been the capital of Khuzistan.” See also the note on Jundí-Shápúr appended to The Redemption of Thinking, by Rudolf Steiner, translated and edited by Canon A.
184. The Polarity of Duration and Development: Third Lecture 08 Sep 1918, Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
But Comte speaks from the standpoint of ordinary materialistic science; he does not know what underlies spiritually this consciousness that one is human, which lies in the background of our soul life.
But he extends into the other formations, for we have seen that even in sleep man is under the influence of the third hierarchy. This hierarchy is further than he is, and is already in the fifth formation today, and the other beings are further still.
Since you are not physicists and probably will not get involved in understanding the matter, I will not go into it further either. Time is an illusion, that is a profound truth, because time as an illusion underlies many other illusions of life.

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