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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

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165. The Ancient Christmas Plays and a Forgotten Spiritual Current in Humanity: Lecture Three 28 Dec 1915, Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
They no longer knew exactly how the old Gnosticism was able to understand the Christ, but they knew that He must be understood as a spiritual being with spiritual abilities.
And so, building on this, one can also understand how the Christ comes together with the Jesus. Of course, it is complicated and not easy to understand, but it can be understood. And so you see how, from the original, that which has been lost for humanity must be restored through spiritual science, also in relation to the understanding of the Mystery of Golgotha. When the Christ appeared in the world, it was not possible to understand Him.
165. Transformations of the Human Element of Sensation and Thought from the Fourth to the Fifth Cultural Epoch: Lecture One 06 Jan 1916, Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
But he could not emerge from hiding until the two related brothers had undertaken the great military expedition to Troy. After their departure, he knew how to beguile the passionate queen.
And so, these Greek poets, who were still in some respects Greek sages because they combined wisdom and beauty, tried to understand what happened to the Greeks. And so it came about that these Greek poets portrayed the fate of Greek civilization in these abnormal generations.
You only need to read what I have said about the mysteries and the origin of art and religion from the mysteries to understand that there was no Greek Professor Dr. Lövius alongside the Greek Ibsen: they would have been one and the same.
165. Transformations of the Human Element of Sensation and Thought from the Fourth to the Fifth Cultural Epoch: Lecture Two 07 Jan 1916, Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
And this drying element will gradually be brought about under the influence of one-sided physical, biological and so on knowledge, a drying, a killing element.
It is quite nonsensical to believe that. When the Greeks undertook the expedition to Troy and thus prepared for a march to Troy, it would have been quite impossible for them to proceed with such an undertaking for any reasons that are acquired by reason or animated by feeling as they are today.
— But this makes it clear that today's soul lives gasping under the yoke of physicality, gasping even in its perception, in its sensation. Basically, my dear friends, we can see this gasping under physicality when we look at what has become of people under a certain school of thought of the 19th century.
165. The Conceptual World and Its Relationship to Reality: Lecture One 15 Jan 1916, Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
Only the realists could still think of the three persons under one universal. But for that, the universal concept had to have a reality; for that, one had to be a realist.
It must be revitalized if we are to make progress. Long-term attempts must be made to understand, theoretically, with the mere concept of the image, what significance thinking has for divinity.
We also have to work our way into the whole course of human development in the individual, because then we understand more and more clearly the meaning underlying the spiritual current to which we belong. And we really do become more and more objective through these things, but that is also necessary.
165. The Conceptual World and Its Relationship to Reality: Lecture Two 16 Jan 1916, Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
Basically, what is called gnosis is usually nothing more than the echo of old clairvoyant concepts. They tried to understand the Mystery of Golgotha with old clairvoyant concepts, and clairvoyant concepts were no longer understood later, only abstract concepts.
Only this made it possible to understand how the Christ, as a kind of cosmic ego, permeates the bodies, so that you first knew something about these bodies. For those who in the future will seek an understanding of the Christ, knowledge of the structure of the human being must be the essential preparation.
165. The Golden Legend and a German Christmas Play 19 Dec 1915, Berlin
Translated by Harry Collison

Rudolf Steiner
We mingle something else with it; something else, concerning which we must form quite definite conceptions if we want to understand it. We must form such ideas as these, if we wish to understand correctly. We must say to ourselves as follows: I am placed in the Earth evolution.
Things had to be made more comprehensible to the laity. And this clearer understanding progressed step by step. At first the people understood absolutely nothing about the child lying in the manger.
For man in the sphere of erudition does not yet understand how to let that power work on him which has so wonderfully conquered the hearts and souls that on beholding the Christmas Mystery, out of a profane comprehension, there has arisen a holy understanding.
165. A Christmas Thought and the Secret of the Ego 19 Dec 1915, Berlin
Translated by Gerald Karnow, Alice Wuslin

Rudolf Steiner
We form an earthly existence that is not as the gods originally intended for us; we mix something else into it, and we must form very definite pictures of this if we wish to understand it. Definite mental images are required if we wish to understand, to understand properly. We must say to ourselves: I am placed into earthly evolution.
The people also wanted to understand what was performed in front of them. Gradually there was a transition to presenting portions of it in the local language spoken in those regions.
Yes, those who are educated must also undertake the path taken by those simple human souls. There was a time when the Child was not presented in the manger.
165. The Representative of Life 27 Dec 1915, Dornach
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
A Helper must come, Who tears out of the indolent, lifeless, physical body an understanding which is able to grasp the spiritual world, an understanding which lives in man and is connected with heaven; that understanding which cannot be crucified by the world, because it belongs to heaven, the understanding which cruci-fies the world, that is to say, which overcomes the world."
Christ, the Living One answered and spoke: "The Life of my Father is this: that out of the human essence of that understanding you receive your soul, which is not of this earth …" What the Living One expects, is this: That those who are His disciples should grasp that in man lives an understanding of spiritual things which may tear itself away from the physical body, an understanding that is not of this earth.
His understanding has ceased to be earthly: it has become heavenly). "You will instead be saved from the Archon of this Aeon" (from the Ahrimanic-Luciferic Being).
165. The Problem of Jesus & Christ in Earlier Times 28 Dec 1915, Bern
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
And we must imagine further that it was because of the gradual paralysis of the capacity to understand such things that this knowledge was not just forgotten, but it eventually disappeared. People simply no longer had the capacity to understand such teachings.
They could no longer comprehend how the ancient Gnosis had been able to understand the Christ, but they knew that he could be understood, as a spiritual being, only through spiritual faculties.
When the Christ appeared in the world, it was impossible for people to understand him. Such understanding can be acquired only gradually. His achievements took the form of actual facts.
165. The Year as a Symbol of the Great Cosmic Year 31 Dec 1915, Dornach
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
The man who is limited in his physical senses, and limited to the understanding that he considers appertains to these physical senses, can at first know nothing of this great Earth-consciousness.
Everything is in great as in small, and in small as in great. The small, the yearly cycle, can only be understood aright when it becomes for us a symbol of the mighty events of the cosmos—of the vast cycle of thousands of years. The year is an image of the aeons, and the aeons are the realities of those images which we encounter in the course of a year. When we understand this yearly course aright we are filled, in this important night in which a New Year begins, with thoughts of the great cosmic mysteries.

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