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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

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196. Spiritual and Social Changes in the Development of Humanity: Seventh Lecture 30 Jan 1920, Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
What we have today as thinking is a further development of what we had as pictorial experiences of the soul during our lunar existence. If you understand this quite clearly, then you will also see that everything that creeps into thinking, as I have just characterized the dream-like aspect of thinking in everyday life, is a remnant of what the human being had as soul life during the moon-end.
For basically, the mystery of Golgotha, properly understood, contains the germ of such thoughts, to be grasped from a correct, spiritual world view that is appropriate for today.
Anyone who is serious about Christianity today - I have explained it to you from different points of view, and today you have heard it again from a new point of view - cannot help but seek a spiritual understanding of this mystery of Golgotha. In other words, however, this means that spiritual science, real knowledge of the spirit, is necessary for humanity today.
196. Spiritual and Social Changes in the Development of Humanity: Eighth Lecture 31 Jan 1920, Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
Modern parliaments strive to make their decisions on their own initiative through majority votes by people who may not understand the issues at hand, which can only be decided if you understand something about them. The unified parliaments are supposed to decide on everything: intellectual life, legal life, economic life.
Now she seemed to gradually understand that and also left, saying that she now understood. It was in Berlin. From Stettin she wrote a card saying that she did not believe in it after all; she did not like the idea of coming back to earth after all. — Then the thinking breaks off dynamically; it can also break off mechanically.
That still existed there, and could be artificially preserved under the principle of cohesion of the so-called House of Habsburg, which was only natural at the time, and then under the entire unnatural principle of cohesion of the Austro-Hungarian monarchy.
196. Spiritual and Social Changes in the Development of Humanity: Ninth Lecture 01 Feb 1920, Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
Therefore, in the centuries that have passed since then, and in which the spirit of thinking, which reached a certain height in Bacon, has spread, understanding of the actual human being and his nature has been lost. Understanding of what is actually contained as a driving, active being at the very core of human nature has been lost.
It is so natural to it that many people in this Western civilization do not understand anything other than that one should not use the same principle with which one wants to understand nature to turn to the religious.
For in this Western world, people have limited themselves to a mere understanding of the extra-human. This extra-human will never be able to reach people. A new spiritual science will have to be understood by people, but only then will new perspectives on the Mystery of Golgotha open up.
196. Spiritual and Social Changes in the Development of Humanity: Tenth Lecture 06 Feb 1920, Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
And out of these ideas the Mystery of Golgotha was also understood. But these ideas are now worn out. They are no longer sufficient to convey an understanding of the event of Golgotha to the present-day human being.
But it is precisely from a true, unprejudiced consideration of history that you will gain the insight that these states, from the great Russia to the smallest entities, came into being under the influence of the understanding of Christ, that is, the understanding of Christ as it took hold in Europe at the time of the so-called migration of peoples, at the time of the decadence of the Roman Empire.
This peculiarity consists in the fact that we can understand everything. We can understand machines, we can understand minerals, we can understand plants, we can understand animals, but we can least of all understand the human being through what our science presents.
196. Spiritual and Social Changes in the Development of Humanity: Eleventh Lecture 07 Feb 1920, Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
There are people who consider it an advantage if someone does not understand and cannot grasp how to keep a journal or a cash book. This is the great damage that has gradually become more and more widespread over the past few centuries.
Then one comes to the conclusion that this subconscious is very clever under certain pathological conditions, that under the ordinary individual human consciousness, however, it is not exactly the foundations of the Oedipus myth, not exactly the fear of the horse that once crossed one's path, but rather a certain sophistication.
And it will only be fully noticed when one can really undergo such an inner education of thinking, feeling and will through this spiritual science that it makes one more skillful for life, not less.
196. Spiritual and Social Changes in the Development of Humanity: Twelfth Lecture 08 Feb 1920, Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
Some people cannot understand this. We also try to prove the harmfulness of materialism; but on the other hand, we must recognize that materialism had to come into the 19th century.
As a result, understanding of Christianity gradually declined from the 15th century onwards. Only tradition remained. The underlying conditions are actually misunderstood in ordinary external science.
What is needed is for something to be touched in the souls that will lead to a new understanding of the mystery of Golgotha, and with that, to a new understanding of all of Christianity. In ancient pre-Christian times, as I have already mentioned today, there was a widespread, magnificent, admirable primeval wisdom, and anyone who wants to admire pagan wisdom is right to do so.
158. The Balance in the World and Man, Lucifer and Ahriman: Lecture I 20 Nov 1914, Dornach
Translated by Mary Adams, Dorothy S. Osmond

Rudolf Steiner
This feeling will arise as naturally as hunger or thirst or other such experiences and it must be understood by men of the present and future. It will become intelligible when, through Spiritual Science, people begin to understand what this experience of division within them really signifies.
But students of Spiritual Science will have to understand the significance of the phenomenon. If a child says: “I saw someone who came to me, he went away again but he keeps on coming and I cannot get rid of him”—then anyone who understands Spiritual Science will realize that a phenomenon which will appear in greater and greater definition as time goes on, is here revealing itself in the life of the child.
In an ether-body that has been parched by materialism, Mephistopheles will be able to dwell. Understanding what this implies, we shall realize that it is our duty to educate children in the future—be it by way of Eurythmy or the development of a spiritual-scientific outlook—in such a way that they will be competent to understand the spiritual world.
158. The Balance in the World and Man, Lucifer and Ahriman: Lecture II 21 Nov 1914, Dornach
Translated by Mary Adams, Dorothy S. Osmond

Rudolf Steiner
This is exactly how it is with the anatomist and physiologist who work from the materialistic point of view. They are always under the earth—for to know nothing of Spiritual Science is to be “under the earth!” What they investigate is the material processes, and these have nothing to do with what is happening above in the realm of soul-and-spirit.
Imps burrowing under the earth—that is what the scientists are, who take account only of the spiritual that is under the earth—for even the material is spiritual!
Of this most important and significant chapter in the understanding of the human being we will speak tomorrow.
158. The Balance in the World and Man, Lucifer and Ahriman: Lecture III 22 Nov 1914, Dornach
Translated by Mary Adams, Dorothy S. Osmond

Rudolf Steiner
Calm and peace of mind have the coldness of Ahriman; in the quiet understanding of what is in the world, we unite our warmth and our understanding love with the coldness that is in the world outside. And then we release Ahriman, when we meet what has come about with understanding, when we do not merely demand our rights out of self-love but understand what has come about in the world.
On the one hand man learns in a conservative way to understand the conditions that are in the world, he learns to understand how they have come about from cosmic, karmic necessity.
158. The Kalevala: The Essence of National Epics 09 Apr 1912, Helsinki

Rudolf Steiner
And the deeper we penetrate into this national epic, the clearer it becomes to us that we cannot understand the meaning and spirit and significance of it if we do not take this saying seriously at the outset.
There we find, however, that in the human soul those powers still prevail unmixed, which we today have separately as powers of reason, and those powers, which we today carefully separate from the powers of reason and lead to science, the powers of imagination. Imagination, understanding and reason, they all work together in those ancient times. The further back we go, the more we find that we can no longer speak of what prevailed in the soul of human beings, what worked there as imagination and understanding, as we call a soul power today, when we call it imagination.
We see a supersensible physicality of human nature that underlies it and that we can only address as something that works and creates like a kind of inner architect, inner foreman, that permeates our physical body in a living way.

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