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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

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159. The Mystery of Death: Spiritual Science as an Attitude 13 Jun 1915, Elberfeld
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
That it gets older and older does not apply to the etheric body even if that is hard to understand. But the etheric body gets younger and younger to the same degree as the physical body gets older and older.
That is why one has to say: in such a case like in the case of this child who really finds his death under such extraordinary circumstances—which were still extraordinary in some other respect—one does not have to remember from a higher point of view that now this has happened: that the removal van came and toppled over and the child got under the carriage by chance; that the carriage is the cause of the child's death.
Michelangelo did not yet know how to form Christ as He is in reality. The Christ Being is so significant, the understanding of the Christ Being is so difficult that this can only be reached in the course of time. The Christ Who persuades the beings by His nature, so that they condemn or release themselves, is understood in future.
159. The Mystery of Death: Common Ground above Us; Christ in Us 15 Jun 1915, Düsseldorf
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
The East of Europe has to wait, until the spirit-self descends on earth and can penetrate the human souls. This has often been mentioned; we have to understand it rightly. If it is understood wrongly, it can lead very easily to arrogance just in the East.
We describe how the human being lives in his body, and what he experiences between death and new birth. We try to understand death. We try to overcome death, while we understand it, while we show that it is only an appearance that the soul lives in truth, while it goes through death.
He says—I quote almost literally: look at the world with your bare senses. Try to understand the world with your bare reason. There you can never deny the evil in the world. It would be absurd to strive for an understanding of death.
159. The Mystery of Death: Post-mortal Experiences of the Human Being 17 Jun 1915, Düsseldorf
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
Expressly I would like to stress that you can bring yourselves to understand any point of view. Perhaps, you can understand the most anti-German standpoint if the one or the other shows it. You may try to understand it, you need not share it, but perhaps you are able to understand it. But the concerning book has characteristics to which it does not depend on the fact that it takes a thoroughly anti-German standpoint, that it reviles Germanness and the German nature on every line. One may understand that it is written viciously. But nobody is allowed to come and say: if a German speaks about the book that way, we can understand this, because he talks disparagingly about Germanness.
159. The Mystery of Death: Overcoming Death through Knowledge 19 Jun 1915, Cologne
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
Just concerning such a consideration I have to stress repeatedly that the reasonable understanding of that which is given in spiritual science does not depend at all whether anybody himself beholds in the spiritual world.
If, however, the facts are given, everybody can understand them if he uses his unbiased healthy reason not clouded by prejudices of the external materialistic world.
They are stated to show that a clear thinking understanding the matters is something different than that which is asserted so often. In our time, the materialistic ways of thinking are exceptionally developed.
161. Meditation and Concentration: Three Kinds of Clairvoyance: Lecture I 27 Mar 1915, Dornach
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
Over and over again it must be emphasised that spiritual science when given can really be understood. It cannot be emphasised too often that for the understanding of spiritual science there is no need of clairvoyance.  It goes without saying that to arrive at its results one has to be clairvoyant; but once these results are gained they can be understood without clairvoyance. What must precede actual vision is the understanding of spiritual science.
I particularly mentioned there that our thinking undergoes a transformation the moment we free ourselves—especially where our thoughts are concerned—from the physical instrument of the head.
161. Meditation and Concentration: Three Kinds of Clairvoyance: Lecture II 01 May 1915, Dornach
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
Thereby we sense that what has here been called invisible spirit must be recognised as underlying the visible. Now, if what is external has consciousness we have to take for granted that there is consciousness also in what is within, and that what is within cannot be deemed unconscious.
Today we know—have known for some -time how to give an answer about the precise qualities of the invisible spirit underlying man. If we take, to begin with, what today is offered us by philosophy, we shall admit that at the basis of man, too, there lies an invisible spirit.
We must here ask: What is the reason for spiritual science meeting with so much opposition today, the fact that people who do not understand it arrived at, and give indications of, what is said by spiritual science? My dear friends, here something must be said that it is dangerous to put into words—or in any case not without danger.
161. Meditation and Concentration: Three Kinds of Clairvoyance: Lecture III 02 May 1915, Dornach
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
Suppose the movement of atoms were there—the understanding cannot discover them in what is sense-perceptible. What would a man have to be in order to possess the right to speak of this world of atoms? 
Spiritual science must gradually build up for us the stages leading to an understanding of the Mystery of Golgotha—an understanding never again to be lost. This Mystery of Golgotha is the very meaning of the earth. To understand what this meaning of the earth is, must constitute the noblest endeavor of anyone finding his way step by step into spiritual science.
161. The Fourfold Nature of the “I” 09 Jan 1915, Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
For this human body has been transformed during the time of the sun, moon and earth. During the time of the sun it has undergone a transformation through the etheric body permeating it; during the time of the moon it has undergone a transformation through the astral body permeating it, and during the time of the earth it has undergone a transformation through the I permeating it.
Then it was transformed under the influence of the ether body, then under the influence of the astral body and finally under the influence of the ego.
Then, under the influence of the moon-time, we have what the astral body makes of it, and during the earth-time, what the I makes of it.
161. Perception of the Nature of Thought 10 Jan 1915, Dornach
Translated by Mabel Cotterell

Rudolf Steiner
How this invisible human destiny is determined comes under the rule of ancient Saturn laws. There we are already appealing to something entirely spiritual when, from the earthly laws of the embodiment of the Ego, we look towards the ancient Saturn laws.
But this too has withdrawn from the external activity of the world, this too is not directly under the active forces of Earth-existence. Where then must we seek for what has remained behind from the ancient Moon activity?
If the philosophers of today believe that they understand what Plato and Aristotle perceived as a universal symphony of thoughts, that is only due to a childish stage of the modern philosopher.
161. Brunetto Latini 30 Jan 1915, Dornach
Translated by George Adams

Rudolf Steiner
A famous thinker of our time writes a philosophic book. Surely then he must understand it. How should he not understand what he himself has written? ... And yet, it is literally true: he may have written the book and may yet understand nothing of what he has written.
Though she did not do so in the way of Olaf Asteson, still in a certain sense she underwent in sleep this time which is so favourable to Initiation. She underwent it in the last thirteen days of her embryonal life.
Thus, even in such facts as shine out far and wide in history, we see how necessary it is to pass through an understanding of the spiritual and thence to return to earthly affairs, for it is only then that we can fully understand the latter.

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