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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

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161. Life between Birth and Death as a Mirror of Life between Death and a New Birth 02 Feb 1915, Dornach
Translated by Christoph von Arnim

Rudolf Steiner
Everyone—I have said this before—is willing to admit that they cannot understand the workings of a watch if they have not learnt how the cogs and the rest of the mechanism functions.
Of course one might well say that one can understand human life between birth and death simply by observing it. Why is the other side, the life between death and a new birth, necessary?
Even the concepts which we have to learn concerning that life, concerning the truths between death and a new birth, these concepts have to be different to those which we have to learn from physical maya if we want to understand the latter. Some of the concepts which have to be acquired for an understanding of the other side of life as it passes between death and a new birth can be found in the Vienna lecture cycle of 1914, The Inner Nature of Man and Life between Death and Rebirth.
161. Meditation and Concentration 27 Mar 1915, Dornach
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
It must be emphasised again and again, that when it is given out, spiritual science, can indeed be understood. It cannot be emphasised often enough that one need not be a clairvoyant to understand spiritual science.
I especially mentioned there, that our thinking undergoes a transformation the moment we make ourselves free; especially when with reference to our thoughts we free ourselves from the physical instrument of the head.
The Gods are giving wisdom to man: Spiritual science has come. As human beings under the leadership of Ahriman has resisted it, it is now up to us not to resist any longer, but to have the courage to accept spiritual science, with full, true, earnestness.
161. Wilhelm Jordan as the Renewer of the Nibelungenlied 28 Mar 1915, Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
If we take this from the older saga, we understand the demonic peculiarity of Brunhilde, but we also understand that in the events of the Song of the Nibelungs, something great and more significant is taking place than what can otherwise take place between personalities as personalities in the world.
We must see in Nanna the human soul mourning Baldur, who was connected with her earlier as the power of solar vision, and who now dwells below in the dark realm of Hel, since in man only the gold of the sense mind has remained, which he can only seek with the mind power bound to the brain and the powers of the earth, that is, of sense matter. Only when we understand the whole atmosphere that permeates the Nibelungen saga in this way do we really understand the living forces at work in it. Then we also understand how something in the events can be seen as an extension of what lived in ancient times and what only survived in a faint echo in the people of that time.
161. The Problem of Death: Lecture I 05 Feb 1915, Dornach
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
The dreams, too, which occur in ordinary life are only faulty interpreters of our real being, because they are, after all, reflections of what goes on in the astral body around the etheric body, and because it is essential, first, to understand the language of dreams if we are to get at their correct meaning. If we understand the language of dreams, we can, certainly, acquire knowledge about our true being from the processes of dream.
He never says this, but on the contrary, he will often discover, under the influence of Lucifer, a whole system for explaining the feelings of which he is darkly aware but the true character of which he will not admit.
I said to the man quite baldly: “Although you believe that you are acting out of an iron sense of duty, you are really acting under the impulse to acquire influence and you misinterpret this way of acting as being selfless, done purely out of a sense of duty.
161. The Problem of Death: Lecture II 06 Feb 1915, Dornach
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
Manon de Gaussin meets the man who loves her. She does not understand his love and out of the maya of her consciousness she resists the full and complete living-out of karma.
But here we have to do with two purely spiritual entities, with the etheric body of Arthur which has already undergone many transformations in the spiritual world and with Emmy's emerging death spectrum. It is therefore an old relationship, karma that has not been lived out, that is playing between Arthur's etheric body and Emmy's death spectrum which is just passing into the spiritual world.
Careful study of the Vienna lecture-course on the life between death and a new birth will give you a conception of what happens during this period. We cannot really understand the nature of the conditions which prevail between death and a new birth if we have not made these conceptions alive within us.
161. The Problem of Death: Lecture III 07 Feb 1915, Dornach
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
I say it is an understandable tendency to picture this kingdom on the other side of death somewhat as a kind of continuation of the kingdom here.
Goethe, too, from a rich, full life, wrestled through to a beautiful saying, the deep meaning of which one must fathom, though it cannot be understood as people imagine, using it in every situation of life. To understand it thus is—I should like to use the paradoxical term—far too simple, for to understand it thus is possible for every child. But as it must be understood, as Goethe understood it upon the foundation of a rich, and over rich life-experience—I refer to the words, “Know thyself and live in peace with the world”—is not possible to every child.
162. Artistic and Existential Questions in the Light of Spiritual Science: Second Lecture 24 May 1915, Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
But what actually happens between the world and consciousness? As a spiritual scientist, one must understand what happens there. Certainly, it is only images that are created by the physical body. The physical body is created out of the universe.
If you do not consider this, you will never understand that, alongside the sentence “Out of nothing, nothing comes into being,” the other sentence is also fully correct: “In the deepest sense, existence is always generated out of nothing.”
Unfortunately, however, none of the philosophers at the time understood what was actually meant philosophically. Even the chairman of the congress, the famous philosopher Paul Deußen, is one of them.
162. Artistic and Existential Questions in the Light of Spiritual Science: Third Lecture 29 May 1915, Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
It follows that the spiritual researcher has to understand that there is no memory for the results of spiritual research. The experiences of the spiritual researcher cannot be memorized.
Suppose it took much longer for the Earth's culture to develop, would this opening monologue of “Faust” have been written exactly the same way in 1840 as it was in 1772, exactly the same way? All these things are part of the real understanding of “Faust.” This great, gigantic idea cannot be understood if you do not grasp it in its details.
But it is obvious that freedom can only be understood by people who gradually develop the will to study spiritual science. Freedom cannot be understood by other people, because other people will always confuse certain peculiarities of external institutions with freedom, whereas freedom can only ever exist in the state that a person can acquire at any given moment.
162. Artistic and Existential Questions in the Light of Spiritual Science: Sixth Lecture 17 Jul 1915, Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
But that is perfectly sufficient, because otherwise it would only become a little too complicated. Such laws of transformation underlie all language development; regulated down to the last detail, they underlie all language development; only that in the actual development, the most diverse developmental impulses cross each other.
They did remain as they were, but not just as they were. They also underwent very extensive and significant changes: they rearranged the words, they did not leave the words as they were.
But the power that formed it will pass over to the power of the human soul at a higher level and help people to understand the nature of death in the sense of our spiritual science. In order that the power to understand the nature of death in the sense of our spiritual science may arise in our soul, the word had to be born in Greek, then had to undergo development into a youth in Gothic, in English 'death', had to undergo development in German to the later age: 'Tod', and will come to the point where it will die.
162. Whitsuntide in the Course of the Year 23 May 1915, Dornach
Translated by Violet E. Watkin

Rudolf Steiner
Read these words at the beginning of Part II in Goethe's “Faust” with understanding, The spirits must dive down, They can emerge only when the budding and sprouting life withdraws.
You know that we try as far as possible to keep away those who are generally the least cultured of those attending our lectures, those who write for the newspapers. As a rule they understand the minimum of what is spoken about, But sometimes it happens that these very clever people of the present day cannot be kept away.
Art has to be an interpretation of the mysterious laws of nature. Today there is no longer any understanding for that. Hence one sees that in all spheres there is a gradual falling away from the real inner life of truth, in what appears as knowledge on the one hand, and on the other as art.

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