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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 3671 through 3680 of 6073

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164. The Value of Thinking for Satisfying our Quest for Knowledge: The Value of Thinking III 19 Sep 1915, Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
One can experience a certain, very important, specific experience over and over again, which must be considered if one wants to understand these things at all. There are people who develop a certain visionary clairvoyance. This dream-like imagining, this visionary clairvoyance, always involves a regression to a lunar nature.
One can receive beautiful descriptions of spiritual worlds from people who have sunk a little back into the lunar stage, and who, when they want to apply their earthly acquired intelligence, cannot themselves understand what they have actually produced, and in most cases do not even want to do so. I said: In the ascent to imaginative knowledge one must gain something and lose something, and that people usually do not want to lose anything.
He said, [it was written on the board]: Dissipez vos ténèbres matérielles ei vous trouverez l'Homme With this part of the sentence: To disperse the material darkness and confusion - people who want to be mystics agree. But people today still hardly understand the second part of the sentence. [It was written on the blackboard]: Dissipez vos ténèbres spirituelles et vous trouverez Dieu whereby we have to imagine the whole content of spiritual science for “Dieu”, because that is still colored by religious ideas.
164. The Value of Thinking for Satisfying our Quest for Knowledge: The Value of Thinking IV 20 Sep 1915, Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
The assessment of a person should not correspond to judgment, but to understanding; because the tendency should be to help, and not to judge, under all circumstances. To help, and not to judge!
But that is not the point, the important thing is to seek understanding under all circumstances and not to exercise judgment. In the context of our spiritual-scientific lectures, it was often necessary to speak of Ahriman and Lucifer.
Now, of course, we are looking everywhere, aren't we, for the possibility of understanding the phenomenon of egoism that must accompany the striving into the higher worlds. We must not judge egoism when it occurs in such a region, because we must understand it as a natural phenomenon.
164. The Value of Thinking for Satisfying our Quest for Knowledge: The Relationship Between Spiritual Science and Natural Science I 26 Sep 1915, Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
At the time, this essay was not that easy for me to understand, because it was titled “The force of attraction considered as an effect of motion”. Even then, I was dealing with an author who, so to speak, had also set himself the ideal of Laplace's mind; and he had expounded many other things in the same direction.
After the physical death of man, the existence of the human individual finally ceases, because the so-called spiritual life of man is bound to his physicality and cannot exist without it. This point can be understood by everyone as a consequence of the first point. The first point is the one that matters. The second and third are necessary consequences.
And only because people are so sloppy and cowardly in their thinking do they not ask themselves: What becomes of life under the influence of the materialistic-mechanical worldview? But it must be shown that it is inherently false, otherwise one would simply have accepted the consequence of delle Grazie.
164. The Value of Thinking for Satisfying our Quest for Knowledge: The Relationship Between Spiritual Science and Natural Science II 27 Sep 1915, Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
No, he recognized the law after seeing this phenomenon. That's how he understood it. It is not from the repetition of facts, but from the inwardly experienced construction of facts that we learn something about the essence of things.
If we go back to the facts, there is an enormous amount of facts underlying the formula “to be industrious”. We have seen many things happen and compared them with the time in which they can happen, and so we speak of “being industrious”.
So you can learn a great deal from these perceptive chapters on 'Measuring' and on 'The Principle Underlying Clocks', a great deal indeed. I cannot say with certainty when I will be able to continue discussing the following chapters of this booklet.
208. The World of the Senses, the World of Thought, and Their Beings 22 Oct 1921, Dornach
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
We look into our inner self, and there we find the world which we experienced outside; it lives within us and we can, as it were, look upon the pictures which we carry within our soul in such a way that the life outside has entered these pictures. We understand our earthly life anew by looking back upon these pictures of memory. And when we consider our bodily organisation and understand it, then we understand cosmic processes. Our inner memories enable us to understand our experiences. And if we know how to consider our whole human organisation, we grasp the cosmic processes. To understand man through and through is Anthroposophy. Anthroposophy is therefore also a cosmosophy.
208. The Universe 28 Oct 1921, Dornach
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
And if you bear in mind that in regard to the formation of the head, the human being is in reality an image of the sphere, of the cosmic universe, you will find, as it were, that as regards the head, he is placed into the whole universe. But we can only understand the way in which he is placed into it, and is at the same time a self-contained being, by bearing in mind man's connection with the whole environing world.
I told you just now that we should adopt the standpoint of the Greeks, but today we can no longer set out from Aires; we must set out from the sign of Pisces. We now live for many centuries under the sign of Pisces. It is the sign which marks man's transition to intellectualism. But if you go back to the point where it was still justified to set out from Aries and it was possible to speak of the Zodiac in the old meaning, you will not obtain more than the callings represented by Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces; namely, hunter, breeder of animals, farmer, and trader.
208. The Sun-Mystery in the Course of Human History 06 Nov 1921, Dornach
Translated by Dorothy S. Osmond

Rudolf Steiner
Experience of divine activity among the Egyptians and Chaldeans caused men to bring an element of antipathy into negative judgments and sympathy into affirmative judgments. And only when we are able to decipher and understand the pictorial or other records of the Egypto-Chaldean epoch shall we realize that all were created and shaped out of sympathetic affirmation or antipathetic negation.
This condition was not so pronounced in the Greeks, but to some extent it was certainly present. To understand the Greek nature we must realize that the Greek had already begun to live very intensely in his body—not as intensely as we do, but nevertheless intensely.
A spiritual reality lay behind these journeys. But when, under Constantine, Christianity was secularized, the Palladium was taken away from Rome. Constantine founded Constantinople, and he caused the Palladium to be buried in the earth under a pillar erected there by his orders.
209. Cosmic Forces in Man: Cosmic Forces in Man 24 Nov 1921, Oslo
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
Indeed it will only be possible for a spiritual Movement to be taken seriously when with inner understanding men are prepared to ascribe to it a mission of the kind here indicated. Modern thought studies everything in the universe beyond the Earth in terms of mathematics and mechanics.
It behoves all who are earnest in their striving for spiritual insight to understand these things. Man must find himself again and be true to the laws of his innermost being. Interest must be awakened in the whole nature of man, instead of being confined to his outer, physical sheaths.
Not until man's connection with the whole Cosmos is thus recognised and acknowledged will it be possible to understand the mysteries of the human form and its relation to earthly activities. And at the very outset the human form leads us to the zodiacal constellations.
209. Cosmic Forces in Man: The Soul Life of Man 27 Nov 1921, Oslo
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
Dreams have to be grasped by the waking life of thought if they are to be valued and understood aright. But feelings too must be observed, as it were, by our thought-life if we are to understand them.
Now just as it is necessary to go beyond what is earthly in order to understand man as a spatial being, so it is necessary to go beyond life between birth and death in order to understand social life, racial life on the Earth.
To understand the human form, we must turn to the heaven of the fixed stars; to understand the stages of life in man we must turn to the planetary spheres.
209. Cosmic Forces in Man: The Mission of the Scandanavian Peoples 04 Dec 1921, Oslo
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
We heard that the human physical body and ether-body are not connected merely with the external world perceived by the senses and that this bodily nature of man can only be understood aright when we also recognise its relation with the Zodiac. And we then tried to understand how the heaven of the fixed stars and the planetary spheres work upon what lies within the outer covering of man, shaping and imbuing it with life.
Such studies show us that man's life can only be truly understood when the other side, too, is considered, that is to say, the life stretching between death and a new birth.
And those who are born in Norway to-day will understand their destiny and task in the world as a whole, only if they look back with spiritual understanding to the times when Norway was able to develop in a particular way, when the Northern people went forth on their migrations, their raids and their campaigns of conquest towards the South West, to fulfil a task on Earth.

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