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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

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210. Old and New Methods of Initiation: Lecture XIV 01 Feb 1922, Wroclaw
Translated by Johanna Collis

Rudolf Steiner
This is a point of view from which opposition to Anthroposophy can very well be understood. Human beings do not want freedom in the spiritual realm. They want to be compelled, led, guided by something.
It is not insignificant for the soul when an effort is made to understand something that has been discovered through Imagination. For instance, it is extremely difficult today to make medicines effective for the treatment of illnesses.
If people school their common sense by means of inspired truths, even if they do not undertake any spiritual development, then they acquire a delicate sense for the living truth, and for what is healthy and unhealthy in human thinking and in human endeavour.
211. Knowledge and Initiation: Cognition of the Christ Through Anthroposophy: Knowledge and Initiation 14 Apr 1922, London
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
In the course of history the whole constitution and mood and tendency of the human soul undergoes changes. The so-called science of initiation has to investigate and understand what is the eternal in the human being and in the universe.
So it is that Anthroposophy is so generally misunderstood, because it endeavours in accordance with modern needs to attain to a science of initiation which is exact and of the nature of knowledge, and not of the nature of vague kinds of mysticism. But to understand what are the unconscious longings and needs of our time is to understand the need for such a thing as Anthroposophy.
In the case of one individual these exercises may have to be carried on for months, in the case of another years, but sooner or later, provided they are undertaken systematically and with persistent energy, the soul-life will develop and experience an inner strengthening.
211. Knowledge and Initiation: Cognition of the Christ Through Anthroposophy: Cognition of the Christ Through Anthroposophy 15 Apr 1922, London
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
Certainly there will be progress beyond representing only lifeless nature; they will be able to create organic substances. But it will not be understood by the deadened thinking, even when they have been created in the laboratories. With this kind of thinking, which is the corpse of the soul which is spiritually dead, only death can be understood.
From the knowledge contained in the Gnosis—which resembles in some respects modern anthroposophical science—we find that in the first few centuries there was a certain understanding of the Mystery of Golgotha, and that unless that understanding had still existed in isolated human beings the Gospels never could have been written.
Anthroposophy leads to an understanding of this. Not only the initiate of today but every man may receive a stimulating impulse, encouragement and understanding from the modern science of initiation.
211. The Mysteries of the Sun and Death and Resurrection: The Human Psyche in Sleep, Wakefulness and Dreaming 21 Mar 1922, Bern

Rudolf Steiner
It is indeed the case that these things can only be found through supersensible research, but supersensible research is not necessary to understand these things. I have often compared it to saying that you can judge a picture aesthetically without being a painter yourself.
But by acquiring a sense of healthy and unhealthy judgment through the study of the truths of inspiration, we prepare the way to understand the Christ event. For the Christ event entered the world because the evolution of humanity was in danger of becoming diseased.
Through the inspired truths, we really do acquire the possibility of gaining a sense of religious truths again, especially the truths of Christianity. We learn to understand again why the being of Christ was celebrated as a savior, as one who truly heals, has healed and continues to heal humanity.
211. The Mysteries of the Sun and Death and Resurrection: The Three States of Night-Time Consciousness 24 Mar 1922, Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
But anyone who looks at the phenomena of life with a certain impartiality must realize that in the other state, the state opposite to waking, the state of sleep, something is veiled, and that an understanding of sleep could lead to an understanding of life. We have often discussed such things; but these things must be returned to again and again from the most diverse points of view, for anthroposophy can only be grasped if one tries to grasp it from the most diverse sides.
These images become clear, they increase their splendor, they reveal certain underlying essences. They subside again, these images. Once again, one has nothing in consciousness but a kind of feeling that the images have been dulled.
One does not understand human life if one looks at it only externally, as described in the history books, if one does not look at the special forms it takes.
211. The Mysteries of the Sun and Death and Resurrection: On the Transformation of World Views 25 Mar 1922, Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
And when you realize what significance sunlight has for human beings, how human beings cannot live physically without sunlight, how light surrounds us everywhere, then you will also be able to understand when I tell you that in those older times of which I have spoken today, human beings certainly felt themselves to be light in the light.
For this anthroposophical knowledge should actually underlie all knowledge today. All knowledge, especially social knowledge, should be derived from this anthroposophical knowledge.
And a real view, which in turn can make people brothers and sisters and bring real moral impulses into humanity, can only come about if man penetrates to an understanding of the word: Not I, but the Christ in me — when the Christ is found as an effective force precisely in the dealings from person to person.
211. The Mysteries of the Sun and Death and Resurrection: Changes in the Experience of the Breathing Process in History 26 Mar 1922, Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
If one had told the Greeks about a science as it is taught today at our universities, it would have seemed to them as if someone had continually pierced their brains with small pins. They would not have understood that it could give a person satisfaction. If they had had to take in science as we have it today, they would have said: That makes the brain sore, that wounds the brain, that stings. --- Because they still wanted to perceive something of that pleasant spreading of the intoxicating breath, into which, flowing in, the heard and the seen pours.
The unkindness between people that is developing today as a result of miserable social conditions, and which is spreading across the earth as a false socialism due to a misunderstanding of social interrelationships, also has a great significance for the supersensible worlds that people enter through the gateway of death. And when today, under the flag of the realization of socialism in the east of Europe, a terrible, destructive force is being developed, then what is experienced there is also carried into the beyond as a terrible result.
The physical world is closely connected with the supersensible world, and one does not understand the one without understanding it in connection with the other. We must come to understand what is happening on earth by understanding the spiritual events of the universe.
211. The Mysteries of the Sun and Death and Resurrection: The Human Being and its Expression in Greek Art 31 Mar 1922, Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
And the ego survives this fear because it is only presented through the image. So the ego does not perish under fear, it endures the fear, it undergoes the crisis, the catharsis, and as a result has a strengthened power to take possession of the physical body again every morning.
He avoided him. In this context, it is easy to understand how, at a certain age, Goethe could no longer help but break out of this world in which one wants to think about everything.
And if you compare what Lessing said about Laocoön and the beautiful comments on it by Goethe, you will not find in Goethe's remarks what leads to a real understanding, because Goethe did not yet have anthroposophy, but you will find significant progress compared to Lessing's discussions.
211. The Mysteries of the Sun and Death and Resurrection: The Exploration and Formulation of the World Word in Inhalation and Exhalation 01 Apr 1922, Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
But what I have tried to present to you figuratively will help you to understand these things if you reflect on them a little and realize that man's standing in the world is truly such that man has in his head an image of the whole cosmos.
211. The Three Stages of Sleep 24 Mar 1922, Dornach
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
But anyone who observes the phenomena of life with a certain impartiality will soon realise that, in the sleeping condition, as opposed to the waking condition of consciousness, something is concealed, and that an understanding of life may result from an understanding of the sleeping condition. We have often spoken of these things, but it is necessary to return to them again and again, for Anthroposophy can only be understood when the attempt is made to approach facts from the most varied points of view.
You can picture this to yourselves as though a man sank under water, and there, losing all consciousness, can only regain it when the waters bear him to the surface and make him free again.
He would wander about the Earth—not, of course, under the same conditions as an ordinary mortal human being who must pass from birth to death, and from death to a new birth.

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