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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 3711 through 3720 of 6073

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211. Exoteric And Esoteric Christianity 02 Apr 1922, Dornach
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
In spite of the fact that Jesus of Nazareth—or better, the Being who was incarnated in Jesus of Nazareth—had undergone the shameful death on the cross, something very deep and great is implied in this confession of Paul's conviction.
Men on earth had to come to this feeling, for it was necessary for the evolution of mankind that the understanding, or the intellect, should enter life on earth. But the intellect depends on the fact that we are able to die.
If we express it in a soul-spiritual way, the understanding could come only because man is able to die and carries within him all the time the forces of death.
211. Exoteric And Esoteric Christianity 02 Apr 1922, Dornach
Translated by Dorothy S. Osmond

Rudolf Steiner
Before we can begin to understand this, we must think of the nature of the human soul as it was in very ancient times and of the change brought about by the Mystery of Golgotha.
—I have spoken of this many times—As little as an animal to-day understands death when it sees another animal lying dead, as little did the men of those early times understand death, for they could only conceive of an onflowing stream of soul-and-spirit.
As I have said, fragments exist in certain secret societies whose members, at any rate in modern times, do not understand to what they refer. In reality, such fragments refer to teachings imparted by the Risen Christ to certain of His initiated pupils.
211. The Teachings of Christ 13 Apr 1922, The Hague
Translated by Lisa Dreher, Henry B. Monges

Rudolf Steiner
In many occult societies of the present, people gather who, in their writings, possess formulas which remind those who understand and recognize them of the teachings of the resurrected Christ to His initiated disciples. But those who today meet in all sorts of Masonic lodges and occult societies do not understand what lives in their formulas; they actually have no idea about all that these formulas contain.
When it does occur we shall then again acquire a fully human understanding of the Mystery of Golgotha. Then we shall again learn to understand that the most significant teachings have been given to humanity, not through the Christ who lived in the physical body until the Mystery of Golgotha occurred, but through the resurrected Christ after the occurrence of this Mystery. We shall gain a new understanding of the words of an initiate like St. Paul: “And if Christ hath not been raised your faith is vain.”
211. The End of the Dark Age 11 Jun 1922, Vienna
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
This lecture is also known as: Anthroposophy, a Striving for Spiritual Understanding of Nature Permeated by Christ. Mankind unfolded its intellectual life in the course of many centuries.
—To this we must reply: All that exists in the earthly sphere may be grasped with the ordinary understanding; but when it is a question of grasping in a spiritual-scientific way that which transcends the earth, we must do this through spiritual vision (Anschauung). Consequently we must say: These powers exist,—but the way in which they are connected with the divine-spiritual powers pertaining to man, can only be grasped in the course of long epochs; indeed, the powers belonging to the super-human sphere are perhaps quite inaccessible to the human understanding. We can therefore only say: These powers exist, they show themselves to those who have spiritual knowledge.
212. The Human Soul in Relation to World Evolution: The Human Soul in Relation to World Evolution 29 Apr 1922, Dornach
Translated by Rita Stebbing

Rudolf Steiner
You will be able to see from this how spiritual science may start investigation from the most varied viewpoints and, by combining the results, arrive at a comprehensive understanding of the being of man. It is often imagined that anthroposophical research is a straight continuation of one or two definitions of higher worlds to be found in non-anthroposophical writings.
212. The Human Soul in Relation to World Evolution: The True Nature of Memory II 30 Apr 1922, Dornach
Translated by Rita Stebbing

Rudolf Steiner
According to materialistic critics a dreadful lot of movement is carried out in eurythmy. People who do not understand eurythmy cannot bear it. But when you observe, with inspired cognition, what is done by the movements in eurythmy, you no longer see the arms and hands, all you see are their movements.
212. The Human Soul in Relation to World Evolution: The True Nature of Memory II 05 May 1922, Dornach
Translated by Rita Stebbing

Rudolf Steiner
We then form mental pictures and we know that we do so, for these mental pictures are under our control. As long as they are dreams they hover outside. You need only imagine a kind of cloud that hovers near you in which dreams are weaving.
Neither does one come to know the soul through abstract considerations but by knowing that a reflection of the soul's activity is to be found in the physical organism. It is a question of understanding the organism rightly and recognizing that it is an image of the soul. If we cannot make the effort to understand even man's physical nature we shall never learn to know the soul. We must have the goodwill to understand how human nature comes to expression through the physical. What is usually spoken of as soul, by those who will not approach the physical with spiritual insight, is something utterly unreal.
212. The Human Soul in Relation to World Evolution: The Human Soul in Relation to Moon and Stars 06 May 1922, Dornach
Translated by Rita Stebbing

Rudolf Steiner
Let us for the moment disregard the fact that we usually come together under artificial light. It can easily be proved, in a roundabout way, that that, too, has something to do with sunlight; but for the moment we will disregard this kind of light.
This has an effect on everything coming into the world under the influence of the moon. From the moon comes more than the silvery light which, when reflected by objects, gives them such hazy outlines compared with their sharp contours in daylight.
The moon is active in all reproductive and hereditary forces. If man were under the influence of the sun only, he could still be man on earth, but he could not bring forth another human being.
212. The Human Soul in Relation to World Evolution: The Human Soul in Relation Sun and Moon 07 May 1922, Dornach
Translated by Rita Stebbing

Rudolf Steiner
Once it had taken place it would gradually be understood more and more. This the initiates in ancient times learned from their Gods with whom they communed.
He must rely solely on knowledge of the kind needed for understanding, say, how a steam engine works. In my Philosophy of Freedom, when I spoke of knowledge of external nature, I presupposed only the kind of concepts needed for understanding a steam engine. However, in order to understand a steam engine, one must set aside one's whole human personality except for the very last: pure thinking.
212. The Human Soul in Relation to World Evolution: The Formation of the Etheric and the Astral Heart 26 May 1922, Dornach
Translated by Rita Stebbing

Rudolf Steiner
The characteristic of the physical world we live in here, is that we perceive it through our senses and understand it with our earthly intellect. Yet everything in the physical world is permeated by the etheric world.
It also provides a deeper knowledge of the human organs. One cannot fully understand the human organs unless one understands the astral body that man brings with him. One must know that each individual organ, in a certain sense, harbors within it an astral inheritance, just as the first etheric heart is an inheritance.
Therefore, these two things, which for man today go on side by side independently of each other, are discovered to be a unity when one learns to understand the whole configuration of the human heart. That is to say, when we understand what takes place in the heart, albeit in a much more hidden way, it is comparable to what occurs openly at the change of teeth.

Results 3711 through 3720 of 6073

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