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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

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Search results 4121 through 4130 of 6073

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174a. The Weaving and Living Activity of the Human Etheric Bodies 20 Mar 1916, Munich
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
During the Sun, Moon and Earth epochs, it then underwent a constant transformation. It was gradually transformed under the influence of the processes which were taking place: it was transformed through the fact that the etheric body was incorporated with it.
I mention Planck, that strange man, who lived for many years an extremely lonely life at Ulm and was not even offered a chair at the university of Tübingen, because nobody really understood his true value and significance; the significance of a man concerning whom obtuse persons would certainly say: “Towards the end of his life, he grew so nervous that he said all manner of things that sounded like megalomania.”
But all this shows us that at the present time, in particular, a soul of Dostojevski’s kind could be influenced by the real facts in such a manner that his soul felt induced to describe throughout his book, in a chaotic way, these four brothers, who possess the qualities just described, whom we can only understand if we know this and if we are able to feel it. In that case, we shall understand why the brother in whom the etheric body predominates and the one in whom the astral body predominates, must be the sons of a mother afflicted with hysterical fits.
174b. The Spiritual Background of Human History: First Lecture 30 Sep 1914, Stuttgart

Rudolf Steiner
All his later works arose entirely from this first foundation drawn from Novalis. This also sheds light on how our time understands justice. Today it is by no means sufficient to hear the voices that are spoken here and there under the influence of passion; rather, it is necessary that we visualize the facts.
Moreover, my childhood fell at a time when I myself became acquainted with hatred of Germans in Austria, when German-Austria was still under the impression of Prussia's victories, when even the Germans in Austria hated the Reich Germans.
There is a cycle about the folk souls. But if we cannot understand it in the most sacred seriousness in these serious times, then all our previous work with this cycle would be a theoretical game.
174b. The Spiritual Background of Human History: Second Lecture 13 Feb 1915, Stuttgart

Rudolf Steiner
What will be understood by the sixth cultural epoch? It will be understood as a cultural epoch in which a large part of the Eastern people will have sacrificed their humanity to that which has been achieved in popular culture, in that, like the feminine, the Eastern will have allowed itself to be fertilized by the masculine Western.
On purely humanistic ground, we understand each other as human beings. But if we leave this ground and enter into the struggles of nations, we should be clear about the difficulties standing in the way of mutual understanding.
Only the realization of what one has done oneself will bring some understanding of the matter, but not the word that comes from others, that comes from those who stand on a different national soil.
174b. The Spiritual Background of Human History: Third Lecture 14 Feb 1915, Stuttgart

Rudolf Steiner
Not the human concepts of Christ are important, but the living Christ, who works through the impulses that are His. When people did not understand Him, He entered into a realm where there is no need to understand, where one absorbs in dreams what is to pass into the sphere of the will.
And after it became clear that the child could be under a fallen furniture truck, the truck had to be lifted in the middle of the night, and little Theo Faiß was pulled out from under it, dead.
Then you understand things in a completely different way, then you also understand the connection between what happened and the further course after death.
174b. The Spiritual Background of Human History: Fourth Lecture 22 Nov 1915, Stuttgart

Rudolf Steiner
And for the one who immerses himself in spiritual science, many a riddle must be solved in order to understand life, not from a theoretical point of view, but from a life point of view, from the life point of view that not only occupies thinking, but the soul in its entirety and in its entirety. Let us try to imagine what we can understand from ordinary life in relation to death. The dead person leaves us. What changes externally is that our eyes no longer see them, that we can no longer exchange a handshake with them, that our words no longer go from us to them, from them to us.
174b. The Spiritual Background of Human History: Fifth Lecture 23 Nov 1915, Stuttgart

Rudolf Steiner
We only have to be quite clear about the nature of this sense of self in the waking state. The best way to understand it is to imagine you are moving through a room. At first you feel nothing; now you are touching something.
Just as one gradually lived into nature here from childhood, learning to perceive nature and understand nature, so in the time after death one lives into the effects of one's own deeds, into the effect of one's own thoughts and words, in short, into the entire world of effects; one pours oneself into the world of effects.
But the dream uses the physical life memories from the etheric body to make visible the invisible activity of the ego and the astral body. Therefore, one can only understand the dream if one takes these images in terms of their character sequence, that is, if one learns to understand these images.
174b. The Spiritual Background of Human History: Sixth Lecture 24 Nov 1915, Stuttgart

Rudolf Steiner
But then comes the sun, which draws out the forces, so that under the influence of the sun's effect, what was first enclosed in our little earth now comes into extra-terrestrial spheres of activity.
But always, when death does not occur in the way I have now indicated, it is something that can be understood from the other side. If one enters the other world through a death from illness, from old age, or through suicide, then one has what is needed to understand death there.
Then the time will have come when one can really understand spiritual science. In a certain sense, spiritual science will already transform the world from this point of view.
174b. The Spiritual Background of Human History: Seventh Lecture 12 Mar 1916, Stuttgart

Rudolf Steiner
But I would like the small group of those who belong to the spiritual science movement to understand what will be said in more detail tomorrow more deeply than it can be understood at first, if one does not penetrate deeper into spiritual science.
This is something that the English or the French cannot understand. The Frenchman wants to have a beautiful word, to have everything shaped into a beautiful phrase, and then he is satisfied.
But this pure and honest striving for truth was understood in a strange way, and the distortions of the truth were also understood in a strange way. You know that the relationship between the German spiritual movement, to which we belong, and the Theosophical Society was dissolved long before the war.
174b. The Spiritual Background of Human History: Eighth Lecture 15 Mar 1916, Stuttgart

Rudolf Steiner
In order for me to make myself quite clearly understood, I must start from a comparison: We physical people work here in the physical world. Let us assume that our work consists of making machines.
In my book Thoughts During the Time of War, I have drawn attention, as far as one can in public literature in order to be understood – and indeed it has been little understood – to certain currents that are everywhere in the East and in the West.
And in many respects Slavophilism and Pan-Slavism are truly the seeds that sprouted from what many had planted from these very Masonic orders. Under the mask, under the cloak of ceremony, people were initially befuddled, so to speak, and all kinds of nonsense was paraded before them so that they might then be inclined to favor certain plans.
174b. The Spiritual Background of Human History: Ninth Lecture 11 May 1917, Stuttgart

Rudolf Steiner
In my presence today, I intend to speak to you about things that can help the seeking human mind to understand the events of the present a little more deeply. These things should not be discussed in an external way, but rather, some should be pointed out that can help man, so to speak, in a spiritual expansion of understanding of our present time.
And from what they said, it was clear that they could not really object to anything in particular from their Christian doctrine, as they understood it, as they knew it as theologians - perhaps not so much as priests bound by any obligations as theologians.
But we are faced with the peculiar fact that precisely those who could undertake such an examination are absolutely not concerned about it, have not been concerned about it until now — I am ignoring those who, in our circles, have received the stimulus for it — that no one has set themselves the task of really testing the spiritual-scientific results of anthroposophy against the, fully understood, natural-scientific research of the present!

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