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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 4131 through 4140 of 6073

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174b. The Spiritual Background of Human History: Tenth Lecture 13 May 1917, Stuttgart

Rudolf Steiner
It is certainly understandable that in the soul of the present man, more than is perhaps otherwise the case, the need arises to understand time in its peculiarity.
Today I would like to try to bring before you some of the developmental laws of the human race, which, if we understand them in the right way, can help us to understand what is happening around us. That we live in the age of materialism is by no means due merely to the wickedness and depravity of the human soul at large, but to certain laws of development.
From what we have already absorbed into our souls, we can know that not only does the individual human being undergo a development in the physical world between birth and death, but that humanity itself also undergoes a development.
174b. The Spiritual Background of Human History: Eleventh Lecture 15 May 1917, Stuttgart

Rudolf Steiner
The fact that history says nothing about the fact that this feeling has been lost today is only because we live in the age of materialism. No one really understands Homer, no one understands Sophocles or Aeschylus, if they do not read them with the feeling that the Greeks had a different spiritual experience than that of today's people.
The event is to be understood as a spiritual one. But an initiate like Nero, who knew this also from the mysteries, rebelled against it.
But then it is also necessary that the whole person tries to understand it perceptively and willfully. But when the whole person understands this spiritual science perceptively and willfully, then he can live accordingly in it.
174b. The Spiritual Background of Human History: Twelfth Lecture 23 Feb 1918, Stuttgart

Rudolf Steiner
But genuine communication with the so-called dead is only possible under these conditions. On the other hand, if you consider that you have to completely change your inner attitude, you will understand that relationships between the so-called living and the so-called dead are always possible, but that the so-called living will show little inclination to recognize these relationships.
But this moment of falling asleep actually resonates in the following sleep, resonates in the dream. If we understand the matter correctly, we will not interpret dreams of the dead as messages from the dead. They could be, but usually are not.
But it is precisely by not recognizing one half of reality that one separates oneself from reality. This does not lead to a deeper understanding of reality. If only people would realize that what I have just said is very, very practical for the present day!
174b. The Spiritual Background of Human History: Thirteenth Lecture 24 Feb 1918, Stuttgart

Rudolf Steiner
This awakening will only be possible if certain underlying facts are no longer regarded as fantasies or dreams but as realities that play a part in our times.
Do not underestimate the great social significance of what is said here. You might think that this is only important where science in the narrower sense is effective.
In our anthroposophical field, our friends had the opportunity to see how, long before there was any external compulsion to see things in the right light, the right thing was pointed out again and again. May these things be better understood in the future than we have decided to understand them in the past! And I would especially urge you to bear this in mind: much of what is coming to light in the field of our anthroposophical science is infinitely better understood than we have so far chosen to understand it.
174b. The Spiritual Background of Human History: Fourteenth Lecture 23 Apr 1918, Stuttgart

Rudolf Steiner
For an enormous amount depends on the fact that the course of human development is understood spiritually. We have tried to develop important concepts about the spiritual worlds, because ultimately the spiritual worlds do indeed extend into our physical world, and one cannot understand the physical world either without understanding the spiritual worlds.
Now, a truly thinking person will come to realize that this spiritual-scientific thinking is particularly important for reality. You simply cannot understand the whole of reality if you only want to think scientifically, just as you cannot understand material existence if you only think scientifically and not spiritually.
Now, much of the social and historical structure of humanity in the last centuries or millennia has been very much under Luciferic impulses that came from within man. One could cite many, many things that were under Luciferic impulses, but I will cite only one, in which everyone will immediately see the Luciferic.
174b. The Spiritual Background of Human History: Fifteenth Lecture 26 Apr 1918, Stuttgart

Rudolf Steiner
Do not say that spiritual science, when it is properly understood, is something abstract that does not intervene in practical life. Spiritual science, when it is more and more and more correctly understood, will intervene very much in practical life, because it will become familiar with concrete perceptions; it will cause man to grow up differently, to expect differently what each new year of his life can bring him again.
This barrenness would increase terribly if humanity did not understand that the mood of life must arise, of which I have just spoken. Isn't that what people today refuse to understand: the immediacy of life!
Even more than before, it is important to me this time that my words are not only understood with the mind, but that they are taken as they are meant: that they inspire our minds, so that they become the seeds in our minds for an understanding penetration of what has to happen in the development of humanity, in the course of humanity.
174b. The Spiritual Background of Human History: Sixteenth Lecture 21 Mar 1921, Stuttgart

Rudolf Steiner
No matter how strange it may appear from certain points of view, one must understand this in its historical impulses. Now, so to speak, we have the starting point in one place.
Now the man who was to be appointed in 1905 said to himself, the responsible office of the Chief of General Staff: Of course, under such conditions, one cannot take it on; because it can also be serious, and then you should see how you can wage war under the conditions under which you have to put together maneuvers when you have the supreme commander in command, who must win. — Now General von Moltke decided to present this to the Kaiser in a very open and honest way.
But truly, at the present time, there is no possibility that what is undertaken in this direction will be presented to the world in any other way than by being distorted and slandered.
175. Cosmic and Human Metamorphoses: Materialism and Spirituality 06 Feb 1917, Berlin
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
Just reflect how enormously difficult it is to understand the language of even four or five hundred years ago, if you come across it anywhere. It is not possible to draw out of it what it really contains.
We are living at a time when this must be understood. Many such things in human evolution announce themselves through contrasts. In our own age something great and significant is announced by a great contrast.
Christ is not merely a Ruler of men, but their Brother, Who, particularly in the near future, wishes to be consulted on all the details of life. In anything we undertake today we act in the opposite way. Events seem to be accomplished today, in which men appear to be as far removed as possible from any appeal to Christ.
175. Cosmic and Human Metamorphoses: The Metamorphoses of the Soul-Forces 13 Feb 1917, Berlin
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
So it is necessary to notice even very intimate soul-occurrences if one desires to attain an understanding of the Spiritual world. For instance, it may occur that a man sitting in his room or walking in the street may be startled by an unexpected sound, perhaps a crack or a bang.
You see, my dear friends, if we do not employ the Spiritually tending forces for gaining understanding of the Spiritual world,—I only say ‘understanding,’ for that is all that is required at first,—these forces will transform themselves into the forces of illusion in human life.
When one sees what is required today to make men understand each other, or to try and make them see what is before their very nose, one can understand what I mean by saying ‘childlike’ or even ‘childish.’
175. Cosmic and Human Metamorphoses: The Human Soul and the Universe I 20 Feb 1917, Berlin
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
Whether in the Christian sense we place this being in the Hierarchy of Angels, or whether we refer to it in the older sense understood by the ancients when they spoke of their genius as the guiding genius of man, makes no difference.
This then, my dear friends,—which is no poetic imagination but an actual fact—is the reason that in places where such things are understood, persons who are capable of selfless love are represented with an aura round their heads, which is known as a halo.
The man is destroyed from without; his physical being is undermined from without. In illness, too, this is really the case. For the scene of action of the meeting with the Father-Principle is really here in the physical earth-world.

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