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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 4241 through 4250 of 6073

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230. Man as Symphony of the Creative Word: Lecture VIII 03 Nov 1923, Dornach
Translated by Judith Compton-Burnett

Rudolf Steiner
There they are only reflected; their mirrored images are there. What underlies these thoughts belongs to the sphere of the fire-beings, one sees in these thoughts not only the thoughts themselves, but the thought-content of the world, which, at the same time, is actually an imaginative content.
These are the things which, arising from instinctive clairvoyance, underlie such intuitions as those of the Indian Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva. Brahma represented the active Being in world-spheres which may legitimately approach man.
We only learn to recognize what belongs to them as their super-sensible nature when, with insight and understanding, we transfer ourselves into this super-sensible world.
230. Man as Symphony of the Creative Word: Lecture IX 04 Nov 1923, Dornach
Translated by Judith Compton-Burnett

Rudolf Steiner
Thus, if you were to do away with all the water, you would get in America, with its mountains and what lies under the sea, something which proceeds from north to south; and looking at Europe you would correspondingly find that, in the eastern hemisphere, the chain of the Alps, the Carpathians and so on, runs in the east-west direction.
And when one has thus entered into what these beings have to say to man, one also gradually understands how they give expression to their own nature, somewhat in this way: The gnomes: I maintain the life-force in the root, It creates for me my body's form.
One thing alone can do this, namely that we gradually arrive at a concrete understanding of how the world-word in all its different nuances is composed of the voices of individual beings, so that these different nuances contribute their sound, their utterance, to the great world-harmony, the mighty world-melody, in the Word's act of creation.
230. Man as Symphony of the Creative Word: Lecture X 09 Nov 1923, Dornach
Translated by Judith Compton-Burnett

Rudolf Steiner
Everything mineral must eventually become warmth-ether in man. Everything vegetable must undergo a transitional airy stage in man. Everything animal must pass through an intermediate watery stage in man.
For only think, when you take some minute particle from the human being for purposes of observation under a microscope, what you then do with this minute fragment is the same as if you were to stretch the man himself and tear him apart.
Just as little have you the reality there under the microscope. The truth which has been magnified is no longer the truth; it is an illusory image.
230. Man as Symphony of the Creative Word: Lecture XI 10 Nov 1923, Dornach
Translated by Judith Compton-Burnett

Rudolf Steiner
It has already been worked upon for him in that he drinks milk. Milk has already undergone a preliminary change, whereby the process of transformation to warmth-ether has become easier.
The bees activity, however, is not enclosed, but produced from outside. In a stock of bees, under external spiritual influence, we have the same thing as we have under spiritual influence inside the head.
That is indeed a rare land, for in it there are only beautiful children and beautiful old people. You see, to understand man presupposes the understanding of nature. To understand nature provides the basis for the understanding of man.
230. Man as Symphony of the Creative Word: Lecture XII 11 Nov 1923, Dornach
Translated by Judith Compton-Burnett

Rudolf Steiner
There exists only one true source of the moral-spiritual in mankind, and this is what we may call human understanding, mutual human understanding, and, based upon this human understanding, human love. Wheresoever we may look for the arising of moral-spiritual impulses in mankind, in so far as these play a role in social life, it will invariably prove to be the case that, whenever such impulses spring forth with elemental power, they arise from human understanding based upon human love.
And fundamentally speaking, in so far as he is a spiritual being, man only lives with other men to the degree that he develops human understanding and human love. Here one can put a deeply significant question, a question which is indeed not always voiced, but which, in regard to what has just been said, must be on the tip of every tongue: If human understanding and human love are the real impulses upon which communal life depends, how does it come about that the very reverse of human understanding and human love appears in our social order?
Whence come human hatred and lack of human understanding? Now, if we are unable to look for this lack of human understanding, this human hatred, in the sphere of the spiritual, of the soul, it follows that we must look for them in the sphere of the physical.
231. Supersensible Man: Lecture I 13 Nov 1923, The Hague
Translated by Mary Adams

Rudolf Steiner
My dear Friends, The theme proposed for our lectures is: Supersensible Man, as he can be perceived and understood out of Anthroposophical wisdom. We shall try to give expression to this knowledge and understanding of man from many different sides; and as the number of lectures has unavoidably to be small, I will plunge at once into the heart of the subject.
When, therefore, we follow the direction of the skeleton from behind forwards, we must pass from Moon right through to Saturn if we are to understand the bony structure of the animal. We cannot relate the form of an animal to the ether form of the planets; we must go to the movements of the planets if we are to understand it.
Earthly man—the being who comes into existence at birth and passes away at death—can be understood in the light of Anthropology. Supersensible man, who merely permeates himself with earthly substances in order to manifest in the outer world, can only be understood in the light of Anthroposophy.
231. Supersensible Man: Lecture II 14 Nov 1923, The Hague
Translated by Mary Adams

Rudolf Steiner
The souls who have been learning to know one another, who have been continually gazing upon one another, begin now, in a way that belongs to the life after death, to have understanding the one for the other. They begin to understand spiritually the moral-spiritual physiognomies.
Then begins the period which I described as that of the growth of mutual understanding. The one begins to understand the other; he gazes deeply upon him and looks into his inner nature, knowing the while that the sure working of destiny will link the future to the past. Then the great process of transformation begins, where the one is able to work upon the other out of a profound knowledge and understanding, and the plastic moulding of the spirit is taken up and changed to music and to speech. And here we come to something more than understanding; the one human being is able to speak to the other his own warmth-filled, creative word.
231. Supersensible Man: Lecture III 17 Nov 1923, The Hague
Translated by Mary Adams

Rudolf Steiner
So, too, when people hear about Ahrimanic beings, they cannot understand why these beings have not long ago given up all hope of gaining the victory over the Earth Spirits.
If a man was a rank materialist in earthly life, he has no understanding at all of the Beings in the Venus sphere. For here the forces of cosmic love pour down upon him.
In the lecture this evening I will speak of further experiences undergone by the human being in his existence between death and a new birth.
231. Supersensible Man: Lecture IV 17 Nov 1923, The Hague
Translated by Mary Adams

Rudolf Steiner
We are taught in physics that the processes we have in the physical world—processes that are subject to the force of gravity—undergo a change, when we go out into space. Physical science tells us the exact proportion in which the force of gravity decreases.
In community with the Beings of the Hierarchies the human being builds the spirit-germ of his future head. But, to begin with, this head is built for understanding the Cosmos—not the Earth! It learns first to understand Cosmic Speech, Cosmic Thoughts.
Having, therefore, learned to understand, in some of its aspects, the spirit nature of man, his super-sensible being, we will return tomorrow to the study of the connection between super-sensible man and physical man.
231. Supersensible Man: Lecture V 18 Nov 1923, The Hague
Translated by Mary Adams

Rudolf Steiner
The more we have learned to rejoice in the physical world, the more deeply we have entered into all the joys which the sense-world has to bestow, the greater the measure of understanding we shall bring to the world of the Angels, who are waiting to tell us of these mysteries which here on Earth we do not yet understand and shall only learn to understand when we have passed over into the superphysical world.
When the soul is deepened by this knowledge, then an understanding of still other mysteries can be added. This further understanding can also be reached on quite another path.
This, my dear friends, is what I wanted to say to you about the super-sensible nature of man, anthroposophically perceived and understood.

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