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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

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Search results 4251 through 4260 of 6073

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231. Anthroposophy as a Demand of the Times 15 Nov 1923, The Hague
Translated by Luise Boeddinghaus

Rudolf Steiner
Then one renounces insight into the most precious, the most valuable in the human being himself. But thereby one also undermines one's real inward self-confidence. Whereby does man feel himself to be part of the natural world which today has been so successfully explored?
This different way is actually interesting, and I must start from this different, often much desired way of knowledge of the soul, so that we can understand one another about the knowledge of soul which I actually mean. But I mention beforehand that I only start from this other knowledge of soul in order to explain what I want to bring, but that I don't want to attribute a special value to it.
And it is a fact that man has to pay for his longing for immortality, that it becomes a mere belief if he wants to forgo knowledge of not-yet-being-born, because he will only understand eternity when he recognises both sides of eternity, the not-yet-being-born as well as the immortality of his being in unity.
231. Spiritual Knowledge: A Way of Life 16 Nov 1923, The Hague
Translated by Mary Adams

Rudolf Steiner
The road that leads to a knowledge and understanding of the spiritual world differs in many respects from the method of knowledge that meets with general acceptance to-day.
Normally, man takes nourishment, and this, when it has undergone change inside him, enables him to replace what he has used up in his body; and in this metamorphosis of the means of nourishment man has a feeling of well-being.
We discover that the whole being and existence of man depends on his coming together with the world in this way. Similarly, too, we learn to understand how the lack or neglect of such truths is like having to live in the world without the organs for receiving nourishment, driven to feed on our own body.
232. Mystery Centres: Lecture I 23 Nov 1923, Dornach
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
When a man attains to the reality of thinking within himself he attains to the Divine within himself. It was this fact which could not be understood. For if a man really understands it, if he has really taken the trouble to acquire this experience of thinking, he rests no longer within the world in which he was previously, but he is living in the etheric world.
Everything comes from the universe, no longer from below, up from the centre of the earth, but everything comes in from the expanses of space. One feels that if one is to understand man, this feeling of streaming in from space must be there. This extends even to the understanding of the human form.
In the ages when men had a feeling for such things this was especially felt. You will never understand the form of a true Grecian sculptured head unless you have this feeling for it, for the Greeks created under the inspiration of such feelings.
232. Mystery Centres: Lecture II 24 Nov 1923, Dornach
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
For that reason it became necessary for these primeval Teachers of humanity to leave the earth—on which they could not have undertaken this regulation because it cannot be undertaken during man's earthly life, and man, when outside his earthly life is not on the earth—therefore these primeval Teachers of humanity had to withdraw from the earth, and they pursued their further existence on the moon.
Man then feels his thinking, he feels it like a breathing in the light. If you voluntarily undertake these exercises you will understand better that part of my Mystery Plays where I speak of the Beings who breathe light.
Carry my soul into my hands, so that Thou canst guide the brush in my hands.” It is really a question of understanding this union of man with the spiritual in all the situations of life, and most of all in the most important ones.
232. Mystery Centres: Lecture III 25 Nov 1923, Dornach
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
In this connection you can get a very impressive feeling if you take up the Mystery Plays, and there read, perhaps now with greater understanding than was formerly the case, what is represented there in regard to the appearance of the Youth of Johannes.
I then needed to intensify the forces of spiritual understanding. The following events occurred to me quite accidentally when I was just eleven years of age.
232. Mystery Centres: Lecture IV 30 Nov 1923, Dornach
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
Ovid was certainly not himself capable of directly understanding the language of the metals, and what he describes in his Metamorphoses does not perfectly correspond with the impression which one receives; but in a certain sense the correspondence is conveyed.
Now anyone acquainted with the right way of gaining knowledge for oneself knows how extremely illuminating for instance, the simple remarks of a farmer may be, a man who has to do sowing and reaping and all that is connected with work of that kind. You will say, yes, but he does not understand the import of what he is saying. It does not matter to you whether the speaker understands or not, so long as you yourself understand when you listen to him.
Certainly in very few cases will the man himself understand what he says; he speaks from instinct. And even more fundamental things can be experienced in the case of those beings who understand nothing of what they say to us—from the beetles and butterflies, from the birds, and so on.
232. Mystery Centres: Lecture V 01 Dec 1923, Dornach
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
They take nowhere into account that which is really living. Even in the smallest particle which we look at under the microscope there live not only earthly but cosmic forces, and if this is not taken into account there is no reality.
But I await my redemption, for I shall once again fill the universe with my being.” When in this way we learn to understand the speech of the metals, then gold tells us of the Sun, lead tells us of Saturn, copper tells us of Venus.
This disenchantment has already begun. We have only to understand it. We must understand how the earth, together with man, will develop further into the future.
232. Mystery Centres: Lecture VI 02 Dec 1923, Dornach
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
To him who is initiated to a certain degree in the cosmic mysteries that which sounds forth as a riddle in the first verses of the John Gospel points to the Mysteries of the Temple of Artemis or Diana at Ephesus; so that it must seem to him, through enquiry of the Mysteries of Ephesus something could be obtained which would lead to the understanding of the beginning of the John Gospel. Let us therefore today, equipped with what has been brought before our souls in the last two lectures, look for a while into the Mysteries of the Temple of Diana at Ephesus.
The Akashic Record of the fire of last New Year's Eve speaks these words very clearly, together with many others; and they make on us the demand to establish in the microcosm the micrologos, so that man may gain the understanding of that out of which his whole being has been formed—the macrocosmos—through the macrologos.
232. Mystery Centres: Lecture VII 07 Dec 1923, Dornach
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
And in the midst the pupil then saw a female form, standing wholly under the influence of these rays. And the feeling came to him that the head was created out of these rays.
The impression received in the case of the second statue was that it stood wholly under the influence of the moon-forces which permeated the organism and caused the head to grow out of the organism.
Such experience signifies that one goes through a complete scale of sensations, and these sensations caused the pupil to have the most vivid longing when he was brought before these two statues, that what appeared to him as a great riddle should in some way or other become solved in his soul, that he should get to understand the nature of this riddle—on the one hand that he should understand the nature of this riddle, and on the other hand the problem as to what lay in the forms and in the whole manner in which he was to relate himself to them.
232. Mystery Centres: Lecture IX 09 Dec 1923, Dornach
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
Word explains itself by Word. Word speaks to Word. Word learns to understand Word. Man feels himself as the World-understanding Word, as the Word-world understanding Word. While this was present before the candidate for Initiation in Hibernia, he knew himself to be in the Vulcan existence, in the last metamorphosed condition of the earth-planet.
But all this revelation went in spite of everything through human heads, even though these human heads did not understand it. It went through human heads, became feebler and distorted. Fine poetry, grand poetry became such murmuring and babbling as the verses in the Chemical Wedding of Christian Rosenkreuz often are.
If one reads the Chemical Wedding with the insight of today, one learns to understand these images of the Chemical Wedding; they explain themselves, for they are coloured by the brain through which they have passed, and behind them the grandiose element appears.

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