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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

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270. Esoteric Instructions: First Lesson 15 Feb 1924, Dornach
Translated by John Riedel

Rudolf Steiner
The members of the school must absolutely, in the imparted presentations, in walking along the difficult paths, be expected to overcome hindrances and undermining tendencies. I have previously dealt with what has just been discussed in the member's newsletter, What is Happening in the Anthroposophical Society, in which I specifically undertook to distinguish between the General Anthroposophical Society and this school.
In every age people have had to overcome this and that, have had to lay aside this and that under the guidance of the earnest Guardian of the Threshold of the Spiritual World. But every era has its particular hindrances.
In English a threshold is the same, you enter a building over the threshold or you enter new inner territory when you cross a certain threshold of understanding. 17. schau is a combination of behold and show (with which it is cognate) and is active and willful.
270. Esoteric Instructions: Second Lesson 22 Feb 1924, Dornach
Translated by John Riedel

Rudolf Steiner
then it is also true that a person can find no answer, can find no satisfaction, if under the inscribed words "Know yourself!" he merely gazes at what is spread out before his senses in the context of the external world.
From waking in the morning until falling asleep at night, we are thinking under the guidance received in our normal schooling and in our normal living. We are thinking, but in such a way that our thinking is corpse-like.
Feelings do surge up in the soul, but who has it under control, as one has thinking under control? To whom is it clear, what lies in feelings, as clear as it is, what lies in thinking?
270. Esoteric Instructions: Third Lesson 29 Feb 1924, Dornach
Translated by John Riedel

Rudolf Steiner
So really one should say, that such a person has more than an intellectual understanding of it. Such a person can have some of what rules when he does emerge from the world of appearance, from the world of the senses, and actually enters the spiritual world.
These impressions of the external world run virtually under and through the thoughts and carry them. You don't need to do much at all in this regard, in order to live in reality.
[Words previously delineated and inscribed were now underlined on the blackboard.] First there is honor, and then consider, and we will see in the third stanza, how this is augmented.
270. Esoteric Instructions: Fourth Lesson 07 Mar 1924, Dornach
Translated by John Riedel

Rudolf Steiner
For example, you can present the question of whether one can be really clear in understanding people who are spoken about as having abhorrent natures, as sometimes portrayed by Shakespeare, who has portrayed such people moderately clearly in imagination.
Then we may recollect that lying within us, made by means of the earth, is all that draws us down and under, beneath the human, that darkens our ego, that drives us into sub-humanity. However, we must bring this into awareness, this being united so with the earth, in spite of all the beauty and livability spread over the face of the earth, this being pulled down and under as human beings, sinking in this way into sub-humanity.
For the gods do not wish us to remain alone upon the earth; they wish to draw us into their circle. They wish us to become beings living under their care. The forces of the depths of earth, however, wish to snatch us away from the force of the gods.
270. Esoteric Instructions: Fifth Lesson 14 Mar 1924, Dornach
Translated by John Riedel

Rudolf Steiner
This means that as we initially acquire a sense of it, comprehend it with understanding, it most certainly is not godlike. One might say that godliness, that divinity conceals itself in nature.
And now we live in an era in which human beings, if they have not been made aware of the sense of these words during earthly life, will come upon these words addressed to them in the language of the spirits, and will not understand them. This is how it is, this may happen to a person, when he is engaged in living the future, and is going through the world he must traverse, where these words will be addressed to him, and he cannot understand them, and must live through the agony of this lack of understanding. And all the agonies of this lack of understanding, what do they indicate? They indicate the ever-growing undercurrent of fear within one's soul that the connection to the spiritual powers of creation will be lost, and at the end of one's days the powers will not be there to which one owes his existence, but rather among unknown powers the wellsprings of his humanity will be lost.
270. Esoteric Instructions: Sixth Lesson 21 Mar 1924, Dornach
Translated by John Riedel

Rudolf Steiner
And then the feeling will come to you, that threatening you is not only the danger of sinking down and under into animality, but also the danger of living in the weakened awareness of a plant, of sleeping, of dreaming.
As a general rule, to attain what is best for our spiritual progression, is to undergo something that takes us down and under. When we encounter something that takes us down and under, as this fear of one's own animality appears, when we overcome this, when we metamorphose it by an inner action, in courage of the soul, then it will become the impetus to a higher human state of being.
These are the three admonitions concerning the underworld, the world of the lower elements, addressed by the Guardian of the Threshold to whomever comes to the Threshold.
270. Esoteric Instructions: First Lesson in Prague 03 Apr 1924, Prague
Translated by John Riedel

Rudolf Steiner
The school has been divided into Sections in order to meet the needs of those coming towards it, under the present circumstances of civilization, with the intention of carrying on their spiritual life within it.
The School of Spiritual Science will then also have a section for the spoken arts with music and eurythmy which will be led by Frau Dr. Steiner, a section for medicine under the leadership of Frau Dr. Ita Wegman, and a section for the sculptural arts under the leadership of Miss Maryon. Further there will be a section for something to which scarcely any attention is paid these days, to the detriment of our whole civilization, and that is the section for the fine arts under the leadership of Herr Albert Steffen. There will also be a section for astronomy and everything connected with it under the leadership of Fraulein Dr.
270. Esoteric Instructions: Second Lesson in Prague 05 Apr 1924, Prague
Translated by John Riedel

Rudolf Steiner
If we would become at all familiar with the actuality of inner knowing, we must develop an intuitive understanding about the experience of being outside the physical world, outside an earthly body, our being split apart in regard to thinking, feeling, and willing.
Here [in the third stanza] we similarly now have “grasp”. [The words consider well and grasp were underlined.] Grasping, therefore already close to existence, within existence, appears here in the third stanza for willing.
[The words powers of life and world-maker-might were underlined.] But as I said fire in fire, reality that that is in all, in the reality of this all itself, that is what the Guardian of the Threshold informs us about.
270. Esoteric Instructions: Seventh Lesson 11 Apr 1924, Dornach
Translated by John Riedel

Rudolf Steiner
[In the second stanza “feel” and "feeling" were underlined.] And the Guardian continues in the third section. [The third stanza was begun on the board.]
And thinking becomes for you Willing’s goal-directed human striving; And the will does this for thinking. ["Thinking" was underlined. The writing was continued and the word "virtue" was at the same time underlined.] You strive in virtue.
[At the same time the words on the board "head's", "heart's", and limb's" were underlined in white, and the words "spirit", "soul", and "strength" were underlined in red.] In this way the mantric verse is built.
270. Esoteric Instructions: The Lesson in Berne 17 Apr 1924, Bern
Translated by John Riedel

Rudolf Steiner
But truly there is no need to reach the teachings of the Third Degree of Initiation in order to understand this. Then comes a further degree in which the adept will be given the name Christ-Bearer.
Here feeling, touching, is an activity. [touch within was underlined.] In the third line touching has become a noun. [Touching's was underlined.] This repetition of that feeling, now metamorphosed, is what gives the mantra its mantric character.
O Man, feel inwardly in your living’s whole weave, Again, we have the experience as an activity [In the third line live was underlined.], and now life is a noun. [In the fifth line living’s was underlined.] We have ascended with constantly changing activity from the physical body, which is at work entirely in the earthly realm.

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