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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

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270. Esoteric Instructions: Eighteenth Lesson 12 Jul 1924, Dornach
Translated by John Riedel

Rudolf Steiner
And it will be important, immeasurably important to the understanding of what can be experienced there in the life between death and a new birth, to have already heard it as such, for otherwise it cannot be understood, other than through a memory of having heard, back on earth, such as what resounds over there.
There they hear what they should have heard earlier. They will not understand the incomprehensible ringing, the simple reverberation, the noise of worlds resounding in the words of power of the gods speaking among themselves.
For death in spirit-land comes also, at the same time, when we go through the portal of death and do not understand what resounds there, when instead we are only able to hear incomprehensible noise, instead of the understandable words of the gods.
270. Esoteric Instructions: Notes from the Second Lesson in London 27 Aug 1924, London
Translated by John Riedel

Rudolf Steiner
There is no true esoteric pathway to self-awareness if the person will not be carried both down and under into the depths, and also will not be carried out and into the heights. Only if we develop the courage to go to the depths as well as to the heights, only then will the stark strong impulse come into our souls, the impulse which is necessary for esoteric development.
This will not be spoken, but accompanies in gesture the threefold word Ex Deo nascimur, In Christo morimur, Per Spiritum Sanctum reviviscimus. We must now understand as three-sided what the Guardian gives to us as he accompanies us across the abyss of existence, not with earth-feet but with soul-wings.
270. Esoteric Instructions: First Recapitulation Lesson 06 Sep 1924, Dornach
Translated by John Riedel

Rudolf Steiner
As a result, nothing further is required of one who becomes a member of the Anthroposophical Society than that he receives from the Society what flows within the spiritual movement of anthroposophy. One undertakes no further obligations when one becomes an adherent of anthroposophy. The obligation to be a decent human being is, of course, understood.
This will come to you, my dear brothers and sisters, in accordance with the disposition of your karma. But the first step will be a contemplative understanding of the esoteric path. This esoteric path will be portrayed in Michael words here in this school. The path will be portrayed in such a way that each human being can walk it, that no one is obliged to follow it, but rather that it can initially be understood, for this understanding is itself the first step. Therefore, there will flow forth in mantric words what Michael has to say to humanity at the present time.
270. Esoteric Instructions: Second Recapitulation Lesson 09 Sep 1924, Dornach
Translated by John Riedel

Rudolf Steiner
Just so the second beast appears, born out of hatred of knowing, lurking in the underground reaches of the soul in all human beings, only to be overcome by dignified enthusiasm for knowing, by truly soul-filled fire for knowing.
[The mantra, including the underlinings, was now written on the blackboard:] Yet you must beware the abyss; Lest your beasts within devour You, if in heedless haste you pass me by; They are in you throughout this age of man, As foes of knowing placed within.
Now, however, let us turn once more to what spoke to man in the past, to what speaks now in the present, and to what will speak in the future, exhorting him to undertake the holiest task on his life's path, the task of seeking self-knowledge: O Man, know yourself!
270. Esoteric Instructions: Third Recapitulation Lesson 11 Sep 1924, Dornach
Translated by John Riedel

Rudolf Steiner
That we are entering more fully into reality is expressed in the progression, that initially we honor [the word was underlined on the blackboard], an activity that is an inner soul-activity, that we then ascend to consider well [the word was underlined on the blackboard]. We gradually approach the matter beginning with guiding beings [the word was underlined], who guide us, who are busy with us, then with powers of life [the words were underlined], which dwell, move, and live throughout the world.
It’s no longer a matter for us to consider, but rather to grasp [the words were underlined], which is an action. World-maker-might [the words were underlined] comes at the beginning of the line, whereas powers of life is at the end of the corresponding line, in order to indicate the complete turn-about that we undergo when we rise from appearance through semblance to existence.
270. Esoteric Instructions: Fourth Recapitulation Lesson 13 Sep 1924, Dornach
Translated by John Riedel

Rudolf Steiner
As we push along to become knowers, we must know that our thinking is rooted in the battle between light and darkness. Then we find, if we understand what it means to strive toward the light, we find that evermore we must hold ourselves upright.
We have the progression [now underlined on the blackboard]: pillars, sculptors, nurturers, helpers. We have yet another progression.
Everything coincides with the inner meaning with which we should unite ourselves as we meditate such a mantric verse. We have a progression [the words were underlined on the board]: touch within, live within, feel within, think within. This is an exceptional progression.
270. Esoteric Instructions: Fifth Recapitulation Lesson 15 Sep 1924, Dornach
Translated by John Riedel

Rudolf Steiner
You may not believe, when you enter the spiritual world with your thinking, when you return again and you undertake your work with your thinking in earthly surroundings, that you should fly around like a fantasy-filled dreamer within the earthly environment.
And precisely through taking stock of ourselves as earthly human beings stuck in self-delusion can we understand, being attentive in thinking, which absolutely is just what is needed to carry us over the abyss of existence, can we understand reflecting on the needs of earth with all its heavy burdens, and we will gradually find supports, in order to experience, to live into existence in thinking.
We must prepare the soul [The words set in quotation marks were underlined.]. For over there ,we find “light's radiant might”. It lives in our “thoughts.” But this does not suffice.
270. Esoteric Instructions: Sixth Recapitulation Lesson 17 Sep 1924, Dornach
Translated by John Riedel

Rudolf Steiner
The intensification is: [The following six words were underlined:] experience, feel, think, gestalt, beat, force. The three lines must be strengthened by concentrating on these figures.
[The third verse was now written on the board and “limbs” was underlined.] The limb’s strength, You can think it; And thinking becomes for you Willing's goal-directed human striving.
In this way Michael's Sign and Seal may marshal the broader way, which here in this school for spiritual development will be undergone. [The Michael sign was made and the three seal gestures were made as the Rosea et Crucis was spoken.]
270. Esoteric Instructions: Seventh Recapitulation Lesson 20 Sep 1924, Dornach
Translated by John Riedel

Rudolf Steiner
Then what had been brought forth in Greece through the Mysteries, both the underworld Chthonic and the celestial Mysteries, that this was to be carried abroad into Asia, carried abroad into Africa.
[In the second verse Living was underlined.] Through calm of heart in sleep Let human feeling waft away; It progresses.
Here it is world living. [In the second verse world living was underlined.] As human-being's-power. The progression is in contrast to world-thought-creating.
270. Esoteric Lessons for the First Class I: First Hour 15 Feb 1924, Dornach
Translated by Frank Thomas Smith

Rudolf Steiner
It will be necessary to investigate how one finds the path to his own obstinacy, which hinders understanding what the School should be. For many still don't think correctly about the School. This must be gradually corrected.
And on the other hand, we must follow a difficult path in face of the opposition and undermining forces which are increasing day by day. The members of the School are by no means sufficiently attentive to this.
This is veiled at first in darkness for human understanding, and can only be revealed by the countenance of the Spirit-Messenger, who appears at first to be similar to the human being, but transformed into one of gigantic stature.

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