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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

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270. Esoteric Lessons for the First Class I: Second Hour 22 Feb 1924, Dornach
Translated by Frank Thomas Smith

Rudolf Steiner
And perhaps it would not be unimportant if a large number of our friends were to undertake something in this direction now. The Christmas Conference [1923] was to be the beginning of true esotericism pouring into the entire anthroposophical worldview stream, supported by the Anthroposophical Society.
From all this you can judge how different spiritual realities are - which under the surface of life work today as always - from what everyday life shows, patched up as it is with so many lies.
Note that in all three stanzas the word “evil” echoes. [The word is underlined.] And if you observe and feel the critical points in the escalations and in the difference between thinking, feeling and willing [the words are underlined], and if you correctly sense how all three are united by the always recurring word “evil”, then, my dear friends, each stanza will become a mantram for you, according to its inner meaning.
270. Esoteric Lessons for the First Class I: Third Hour 29 Feb 1924, Dornach
Translated by Frank Thomas Smith

Rudolf Steiner
And at the same time you have impressions from the physical world, which in a certain sense slip under your thoughts, supporting them. You don't have to do very much in order to live in reality. Reality accepts you as a physical reality.
It shows how one can be full of all kinds of vanity and overestimation of one's self and underestimation of others. Also, one judges people not only because they have something important to say, but because one wishes to bask in the good opinion of others.
Now that we have contemplated the first two, the last one will be easy to understand. [The third verse is written on the blackboard.] Let strive in you with thrust of will: Which rises out of semblance-being With creative self it rises up; it surges up from the will to what gives the self substance, content ...
270. Esoteric Lessons for the First Class I: Fourth Hour 07 Mar 1924, Dornach
Translated by Frank Thomas Smith

Rudolf Steiner
If you reflect on this, my dear friends, it will be of great help in understanding true esoteric life as we continue. For what must be taken seriously is that in the moment that we accept the esoteric, our very understanding of it brings about a different relationship of thinking, feeling and willing in us than our everyday consciousness is accustomed to.
With this kind of attitude it is not possible to understand esoteric truths correctly. Such truths can only be understood correctly when, for example, the following happens.
And when we understand the words, the thoughts they are meant to express come to us because they are contained in the words.
270. Esoteric Lessons for the First Class I: Fifth Hour 14 Mar 1924, Dornach
Translated by Frank Thomas Smith

Rudolf Steiner
And whether he or she is able to approach and come to an understanding of the spiritual world in any form, depends upon understanding the essence of this Guardian.
The way it appears to the senses, and how reason understands it, it is certainly not divine. One would like to say: divinity is hidden within nature. It only appears to lack divinity.
And now we live in an age when, if human beings are not made aware of the meaning of these words during their life on earth, they will not understand the words called out to them in spirit-language. But that is what can happen to man if he confronts a future in which he passes through a world where these words are called out to him and he does not understand them and must therefore live through the torments of not understanding.
270. Esoteric Lessons for the First Class I: Sixth Hour 21 Mar 1924, Dornach
Translated by Frank Thomas Smith

Rudolf Steiner
And because the earth-element is always present, the danger exists that we sink into animal nature. And when we don't merely understand this theoretically, as is mostly the case nowadays, but also feel it, we become fearful that at any moment we may fall into animality.
You are being introduced to the practice of knowledge in these lessons, my dear friends. You should not understand the things being given to you in this way as theoretical matters. Rather will you experience the heart of the matter if you understand the fundamental condition: that what you are being told here are the instructions from the Guardian of the Threshold himself, directly arising from what can be learned through contact with the Guardian of the Threshold.
And only those who realize that the light is there will understand the nature and intentions of this spiritual school.
270. Esoteric Lessons for the First Class I: Seventh Hour 11 Apr 1924, Dornach
Translated by Frank Thomas Smith

Rudolf Steiner
And it must be an inner obligation to consider the Executive Committee, as it is presently constituted, as an esoteric entity. This is not generally understood. So something must be done to bring it to the members' attention. It is saying much that an Executive Committee has been esoterically formed.
But the human being is at first unconsciously asleep. Under normal circumstances he is not aware of what he could see when outside the physical body. And the reason for this is that he is protected from approaching the spiritual world unprepared.
In our thinking - which as earthly thinking is only capable of understanding the earthly - we must look downward to grasp what streams out from the earth to work in man.
270. Esoteric Lessons for the First Class I: Eighth Hour 18 Apr 1924, Dornach
Translated by Frank Thomas Smith

Rudolf Steiner
It is important that in future the Vorstand at the Goetheanum be understood as the center of the anthroposophical movement. Furthermore, the relation of this School to the Anthroposophical Society must be clearly understood by the membership.
Whoever wants to do esoteric work under conditions other than those just mentioned cannot be a member of this School. They must then do the esoteric work outside the confines of this School and unrecognized by it, but must clearly understand that it cannot include anything which originated in this School.
And only by seeing as magical the thoughts which pass through the arms and hands, through legs and toes is true magic understood. [The third strophe is written on the blackboard with the words “thinking”, “transform” and “magical being of will” underlined.]
270. Esoteric Lessons for the First Class I: Ninth Hour 22 Apr 1924, Dornach
Translated by Frank Thomas Smith

Rudolf Steiner
But spiritual is what we can read in the stars, what we can feel in the movements of the planets, what we can experience in the forces which hold us to the earth and make us people of the earth. Therefore whoever desires to understand in the right way must do so inwardly. With common sense we can understand all of anthroposophy, but to understand inwardly means to transfer more and more what is understood to inner life. Whoever wishes to do this must decide to undertake a really intimate exercise of these three sensations - or experiences, it doesn't matter what we call them.
But note how this strengthening, this measuring of the mere physical extends to the moral: Here we have the support of man, the physical support. [In the first mantra sentence “support” is underlined.] Here we have the formative forces. [In the second mantra sentence “formers” is underlined.]
Esoteric Lessons for the First Class I: Introduction
Translated by Frank Thomas Smith

Frank Thomas Smith
If the texts are available in German, why should they not be available in other languages, especially English, in order to be studied by members and non-members of the G.A.S and the Free School who do not understand German? Practically everything Rudolf Steiner wrote and said has been published in German.
270. Esoteric Lessons for the First Class II: Tenth Hour 25 Apr 1924, Dornach
Translated by Frank Thomas Smith

Rudolf Steiner
You see my dear friends, as I have often stressed, human common sense can understand everything offered by anthroposophy, if it exerts itself sufficiently and is free of prejudice.
For if you honestly consider that you possess a common sense which understands anthroposophy, then at the moment it grasps anthroposophy honestly, it does so independently of corporeality.
And we should treasure the fact that healthy common sense which understands anthroposophy is the beginning of esoteric striving. It should not be overlooked. For when one starts with this understanding through healthy common sense and then follows the indications given in the appropriate schools, one proceeds farther and farther along the esoteric path.

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