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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 4951 through 4960 of 6073

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303. Soul Economy: Body, Soul and Spirit in Waldorf Education: Religious & Moral Education 07 Jan 1922, Dornach
Translated by Roland Everett

Rudolf Steiner
This twofold way of experiencing and judging our human task on earth colors all the many divisions with regard to moral and religious issues. If we wish to understand the ethical and moral aims of humankind, we must first free ourselves from prejudice. Then we need to make an honest effort to understand the various diverging philosophies of life.
At such a moment, people feel how the sensory world surrounds them. They come to understand natural laws and see themselves within the sensory realm. They begin to understand that whatever they discover through the senses alone will never make them fully human.
Gratitude itself includes a certain quality of knowing, since we must understand why we are grateful. It is characteristic of this feeling that it is closely related to our powers of comprehension.
304. Waldorf Education and Anthroposophy I: Anthroposophical Spiritual Science and the Great Questions of our Present Civilization 23 Feb 1921, The Hague
Translated by René M. Querido

Rudolf Steiner
To attain true knowledge, they felt, that abyss had first to be crossed. But only those were allowed to do so who had undergone intensive preparation under the guidance of the leaders of the mystery centers. Today, we have a rather different view of what constitutes adequate preparation for a scientific training and for living in a scientific environment.
But they transmitted such knowledge to their pupils only after the pupils had undergone the necessary preparations, after they had undergone a severe training of their will life. Then, they guided their pupils past the Guardian of the Threshold—but not until they were prepared.
This being becomes clear and, through it, one learns to understand something else as well. One learns to cognize in pictures the soul’s eternal being as it goes through births and deaths.
304. Waldorf Education and Anthroposophy I: Education and Practical Life from the Perspective of Spiritual Science 27 Feb 1921, The Hague
Translated by René M. Querido

Rudolf Steiner
Raising and educating children are a direct way to work into the near future. In its quest for a method of understanding human nature, anthroposophical spiritual science finds itself able to understand the human being in its becoming—the child—in a wide, comprehensive manner.
The best way of learning to know the Waldorf school and of becoming familiar with its underlying principles is by gaining knowledge of anthroposophical spiritual science itself at least as a first step.
But to bring this about, spiritual science must be understood in a living way by contemporary society. It is not enough to open a few schools here and there, modeled on the Waldorf school, as some people wish.
304. Waldorf Education and Anthroposophy I: Knowledge of Health and Illness in Education 26 Sep 1921, Dornach
Translated by René M. Querido

Rudolf Steiner
QUESTIONER II: I would like to ask how we are to understand children’s illnesses as you have spoken of them. By “illness,” do you mean a condition that orthodox medicine would call a state of illness, or an abnormality of the child’s physical constitution, or perhaps ill humor, grumpiness, or similar disturbances?
I merely gave an example here to show how one teacher undertook the task of applying underlying principles in the classroom. What I introduced in the Teacher Training Course, prior to the opening of the Waldorf school in Stuttgart, was not meant to be copied pedantically by teachers in their actual teaching.
RUDOLF STEINER: I hope that this talk, given in all brevity and presented as a mere outline of our broadly based but specific theme, has contributed something toward a better understanding of the aims of anthroposophy. These aims are never intended to be isolated from actual life situations.
304. Waldorf Education and Anthroposophy I: The Fundamentals of Waldorf Education 11 Nov 1921, Aarau
Translated by René M. Querido

Rudolf Steiner
What they did not realize was that the pupils who had come to us from other schools had been brought up under so-called “iron discipline.” Actually, they have already calmed down considerably but, when they first arrived under the influence of their previous “iron discipline,” they were real scamps.
Nevertheless, it cannot be denied that today’s youth, under the influence of social-democratic ideas, is pervaded by skepticism to the extent that a teacher of Dr.
And so we find that, in important world happenings, too, a general sense of authority has been undermined, even in leading figures. You can hardly blame the younger generation for that! But these symptoms have a shattering effect on the young who witness them.
304. Waldorf Education and Anthroposophy I: Educational Methods Based on Anthroposophy I 23 Nov 1921, Oslo
Translated by René M. Querido

Rudolf Steiner
Anthroposophy has frequently drawn hostility and opposition, not because of an understanding of what it seeks to accomplish for the world, but rather because of misconceptions regarding it.
Only if we can observe such a phenomenon, however, can we reach a real knowledge of human beings. Our understanding of the higher principles of the world has not kept pace with what natural science demands of our understanding of the lower principles.
A child of that age cannot learn simply on the authority of a grownup. It learns through imitation. Only if we understand that can we understand a child properly. Strange things happen—of which I shall give an example that I have given before—when one does not understand this.
304. Waldorf Education and Anthroposophy I: Educational Methods Based on Anthroposophy II 24 Nov 1921, Oslo
Translated by René M. Querido

Rudolf Steiner
The mere way in which the teacher relates to the child, the understanding way in which she or he talks lovingly to the child during such days of brooding, could itself lead the child across a certain abyss.
Very different indeed are the intimate experiences of the soul during the time of the body’s ascending life forces from those undergone at the other end of life. But this growing young once more in a body that is physically hardening, of which I spoke in the lecture, also gives old age a certain strength.
In any case, it is correct to say that the art of education will advance to the extent to which a thorough observation of human beings and the metamorphoses of the various life periods in later life are being undertaken. I would like to go back once more to what I said yesterday; namely, that whoever has not learned to pray in childhood is not in a position to bless in old age, for more than a picture was implied.
304. Waldorf Education and Anthroposophy I: Education and Drama 19 Apr 1922, Stratford
Translated by René M. Querido

Rudolf Steiner
The soul will develop if we meet it with the right kind of human understanding. The spirit will find its way into the spiritual world. But the physical body is in need of education.
The human being develops from the head; the young child is entirely a sense organ and a sculptor. The child under seven. Baby: sleeps a great deal because its whole body is like a sense organ—and every sense organ sleeps during the state of perceiving.
304. Waldorf Education and Anthroposophy I: Shakespeare and the New Ideals 23 Apr 1922, Stratford
Translated by René M. Querido

Rudolf Steiner
Goethe, too, from this standpoint of intellectual understanding, wrote many things on Shakespeare’s plays by way of explanation—on Hamlet, for example—and all of this, too, that Goethe wrote, is, in the main, one-sided and barren.
Just as we consciously perceive this physical world and, through our senses, learn to build an understanding of it as a totality from the single sensory impressions of sound and color, so from the spiritual perceptions of exact clairvoyance we learn to build up an understanding of the spiritual world as a totality.
“. . . tongues in trees, books in the running brooks. . . .” Here is an understanding of nature, here is a reading of nature! It is true that the more modern poets can also indicate such things, but we often feel that in them it is something second-hand.
304. Waldorf Education and Anthroposophy I: Synopsis of a Lecture from the “French Course” 16 Sep 1922, Dornach
Translated by René M. Querido

Rudolf Steiner
Artists dread the possibility that their creations might be conceptually or symbolically explained by clever reasoning. They would like their work to be understood with feeling, not with understanding. The soul warmth that gave their creations life disappears in such clarity; it no longer is communicated to the beholder.
Material science is necessarily concerned with the body as a physical organism. It does not reach an understanding of whole human beings. Many people feel the truth of this but, in regard to pedagogy, they fail to see what is actually needed today.
And yet the forces concerned have not been lost, they continue to work, they have merely been transformed. They have undergone a metamorphosis (there are other forces, too, in the child’s organism that undergo a similar metamorphosis).

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