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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 5151 through 5160 of 6282

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312. Spiritual Science and Medicine: Lecture XIV 03 Apr 1920, Dornach
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
And in this manner we then approach the clairvoyant apprehension of the etheric body. We can train ourselves to understand the fact that the ear is incorporated into man as it is in animals, but that its structure is permeated by the human ego.
But we shall find that it corresponds to the basic principle underlying the formative forces of the human ear and the whole process of hearing. This latter principle I will color violet in the Diagram.
For the last century and a half, every sort of sensory physiology has been founded upon subjectivity because there has been no inkling of the entry of the external world into these organic gulfs, by which we participate, through our senses, in the processes outside ourselves. To understand this rightly means also to understand the action of some foreign substance in this fine dispersal.
312. Spiritual Science and Medicine: Lecture XV 04 Apr 1920, Dornach
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
The first case is the following: our contemporary critics are certainly entitled to complain that our considerations here set out are difficult to understand; but the blackbird does not find them difficult—but easy and a matter of course. And this bird gives the most practical proof of its easy understanding.
To find the way back to a right and sound understanding of the world will be the criterion as to whether we in our pursuit of science become sound again.
It is my belief that a personal training which enables us to link up the events in external nature with those inside man will show the way to these extremely significant affinities and also to an understanding of man which you can acquire in no other way. For in very truth man can only be understood through the comprehension of the extra-human sphere, and this in turn only through the human sphere.
312. Spiritual Science and Medicine: Lecture XVI 05 Apr 1920, Dornach
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
In the moment that the massage becomes too vigorous it becomes apt to undermine completely the life of instinct. So that we must be most careful to observe the zero point. The gentle massage must not go too far.
You may dispute the term massage in this connection, but you will understand what I mean. Let us take an individual case, in which we perceive an excessive inner organic activity caused by toxic conditions.
Massage has a certain definite significance and under some circumstances a powerful remedial effect, but above all it influences and regulates rhythm in man.
312. Spiritual Science and Medicine: Lecture XVII 06 Apr 1920, Dornach
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
It is inadvisable to take such explanations on too materialistic lines; for we should really regard such external occurrence, as, for instance, dental decay as the visible symptoms of a certain inner process; this process hides itself from external perception, but has consequences which are externally visible. You will understand the whole process of dental formation, if viewed in the light of other processes in mankind, which appear quite remote; for instance, the phenomenon with which you are well acquainted but whose correct significance can only be judged in connection with tooth formation.
312. Spiritual Science and Medicine: Lecture XVIII 07 Apr 1920, Dornach
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
The functions proper to the lower abdominal sphere can no longer be adequately performed under this intrusion of the upper sphere. Moreover, this new sphere creates a favourable condition for lower organisms of the type intermediate between animal and plant.
Thus everyone with this disposition and resident in those parts of the earth under the special influence of the constellation in question, become liable to the complaints grouped as influenza and grippe.
So very much depends on this knowledge. It will therefore also be readily understood that the whole etheric body, containing the forces of growth in man, must work differently in childhood and in maturity.
312. Spiritual Science and Medicine: Lecture XIX 08 Apr 1920, Dornach
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
On the other hand, all that builds up the human constitution under the influence of thought and especially of unconscious thought—including the still unconscious thought forces at work in the child—all these are supported by the antimonial forces; antimony is, as it were, their ally.
312. Spiritual Science and Medicine: Lecture XX 09 Apr 1920, Dornach
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
This is the reason why, for example, the excessive amount of ordinary dance movements that many young girls are expected to undergo may react harmfully on dental formation, and why one need not ask why girls who dance so much have, as a rule, more defective teeth than boys.
Such empirical observations, based on collections of case notes, become coherent and unite into an understandable totality, if we turn the light of spiritual science upon the whole constitution of man. Another point may be brought to your attention.
There is a real reversal of all human organic activity under the after-effects of alcohol. For a “hangover” is the continuation of a process which is vividly at work in the upper digestive tract.
313. Anthroposophical Spiritual Science and Medical Therapy: Lecture I 11 Apr 1921, Dornach
Translated by Gerald Karnow

Rudolf Steiner
It is a cooperation of two processes that can be understood only if the spiritual investigator studies them in relation to certain other processes taking place outside in the universe.
If the spiritual investigator studying the human head really wishes to understand it, he must turn his gaze to two processes at work in the formation of the earth: not only that which forms silica or silicic acid but also the limestone-forming process.
It is similar with fluorine, for example. We cannot understand the entire process of the development of the teeth without knowing that fluorine is an essential constituent of tooth enamel.
313. Anthroposophical Spiritual Science and Medical Therapy: Lecture II 12 Apr 1921, Dornach
Translated by Gerald Karnow

Rudolf Steiner
The human being becomes almost entirely head through being undernourished. He metamorphoses into a head man, and this is what is especially significant in the study of undernourishment. Let us now study a person suffering from the opposite condition. We only encounter these conditions under special circumstances, and one must be able to observe them in the right way. You will naturally ask, “What is the opposite of undernourishment?”
Only when these two work together will a knowledge emerge of what underlies all substances.
313. Anthroposophical Spiritual Science and Medical Therapy: Lecture III 13 Apr 1921, Dornach
Translated by Gerald Karnow

Rudolf Steiner
This concept is really a sack to be filled with what one does not want to understand and what—in a certain respect—eludes medical art today. In this regard I will draw your attention to a very interesting fact.
The process of breathing that takes place between the outer world and the inner world cannot be understood at all without recourse to an understanding of the astral. In the interchange of carbon and oxygen we have a continuous interplay of the astral and the etheric.
The soul processes must not be overlooked if we wish to understand the abnormalities of the human rhythmic organism, particularly what takes place in his chest organs.

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