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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 5691 through 5700 of 6073

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337a. Social Ideas, Social Reality, Social Practice I: The History of the Social Movement 30 Jul 1919, Stuttgart

Rudolf Steiner
To preach to those whose understanding one should count on, nothing comes of it, because people do not act out of understanding, they only act according to interests.
For once, the proletariat was really reckoned with in terms of what it absolutely needs today, what is necessary given the current situation. This was understood at the beginning [in the proletariat], but then it was not understood by those who are the leaders of the proletariat in the various party groupings. That is, I do not want to be too unjust, and I do not want to press the truth; I do not want to claim, for example, that these leaders do not understand this book, because I cannot assume that they have read it, that they know it. I would not be stating something that is true if I said that they cannot understand the book.
337a. Social Ideas, Social Reality, Social Practice I: How Should the Work of Threefolding be Continued? 03 Mar 1920, Stuttgart

Rudolf Steiner
When we began here in Stuttgart ten months ago to popularize the ideas underlying the threefold social order, this undertaking was conceived entirely in the context of the events of the time.
This was certainly present in earlier centuries. This has already disappeared under the influence of the economic man, but mostly under the influence of the banker in the 19th century.
And that is the only thing that matters: that people should understand these things. Then everyone, whatever their background, will understand the idea of the threefold social order, especially if they understand the connection between their production and the world's overall economic process.
337a. Social Ideas, Social Reality, Social Practice I: The Land Question from the Point of View of Threefolding 16 Jun 1920, Stuttgart

Rudolf Steiner
The impulse that is to be given by the threefold social order is meant to be a reality impulse that actually realizes what it intends. Only someone who knows life can truly understand what the impulse for threefolding seriously wants. Anyone who strives to understand life and truly understands life will have no doubt that there can also be hoarding of land value increases if land is communized in the way that land reformers want, who think out of the old ideas.
We can therefore say that we have three illustrative points of view from which we can understand what these three elements must be like in essence. Everything in life that is subject to knowledge must be administered in the free domain of the spiritual element.
We have to come to sharply defined thoughts, otherwise the impulse of the threefold order of the social organism will not be understood.
337a. Social Ideas, Social Reality, Social Practice I: On Foreign Policy in the Light of Spiritual Science and Threefolding 23 Jun 1920, Stuttgart

Rudolf Steiner
It was the speech that Otto Hausner gave in the Austrian Parliament, which he then published under the title 'Germanness and the German Reich'. Unfortunately, I was unable to get hold of it again.
How could one hope that something like the idea of the threefold social order, which was born out of the inner forces of history and brought to the Central European powers in 1917, would be understood otherwise than through adversity? People just didn't understand it, and that's not surprising, because after all, the threefold order is not understood by making bunnies.
This English policy has been preparing for centuries what has happened out of historical events. I believe that, of course, to understand the whole thing, it is necessary to delve into what underlies the external development and presentation of history.
337a. Social Ideas, Social Reality, Social Practice I: Historical Aspects of Foreign Policy 28 Jul 1920, Stuttgart

Rudolf Steiner
And then, of course, this “being German” gave birth to an ideal that was later undermined by power politics; that ideal [of unity] gave birth to something that people still long for today.
In the sense that France is a state and Germany is striving to become a state, Britain was never a state. But they understood the area in which they lived; they organized their economic life in a way that suited that area.
There, in Central Europe, there was no development of an understanding of the territories on which one lived; there was no idea of a mission appropriate to one's own reality, this great trait was lacking.
337b. Social Ideas, Social Reality, Social Practice II: Anthroposophy and Jurisprudence 06 Apr 1920, Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
Especially people like Stammler, for example, who has been mentioned several times today, they understand the law in such a way that, on the one hand, they only recognize a kind of formalism. On the other hand, they believe that this [formal system] acquires its material content from the economic needs of the social organism.
337b. Social Ideas, Social Reality, Social Practice II: The Consequences of Abstract Thinking in Social Issues 14 Jul 1920, Basel

Rudolf Steiner
These works councils were such that they did not understand anything. And then Professor Varga says: The “success” was that the people who had advanced from manual labor to become works council members just sat around all day doing nothing, and the actual misery remained.
337b. Social Ideas, Social Reality, Social Practice II: How Can the Idea of Threefolding be Realized? 19 Jul 1920, Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
I can take up some of the questions that have been asked here and would like to come back to the last one, the one from Dr. Grosheintz. It is understandable that, especially in recent decades, efforts have repeatedly emerged from various social ideas to determine how much work humanity [as a whole] has to do if humanity is to make progress with this amount of work.
How little people today have a practical sense is evident at every turn, particularly in the judgments that are brought to bear on the impulse of the threefold social organism. What is not at all willing to be understood is that today, in the face of what is going under, it is necessary to develop new spiritual forces; and because it is not understood, these spiritual forces must today, I would say, penetrate through the cracks of the social order if they are to be effective at all.
The point would have been to incorporate the threefolding idea into the actual deeds of the Peace of Brest-Litovsk; the point would have been to conclude this peace in such a way that it would have been concluded under the influence of this impulse. My dear attendees, it was shortly after the Peace of Brest-Litovsk that I came to Berlin and spoke to a gentleman who was in many ways Ludendorff's right-hand man.
337b. Social Ideas, Social Reality, Social Practice II: The Basis for the Threefold Social Order from the Laws of Social Development 09 Aug 1920, Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
Rather, the point is to bring about this threefold order, if only the threefold idea is understood by a sufficiently large number of people, and if, out of this understanding, people will take care of their spiritual, state and economic conditions.
For example, it has been demanded that the proletariat should be spoken to in a way that is understandable to the masses. Yes, you see, the way the proletariat was spoken to in Stuttgart from April 1919 onwards was so understandable to the masses that very soon thousands and thousands of workers came together and found the language to be perfectly understandable.
And when one remembers the viewpoints from which popular education is and has been practiced, especially in the last few decades, let us say, for example, by theater poets who made in popular understanding – but actually only for their pocket – then one only gets a historical idea of what is meant by popular understanding.
337b. Social Ideas, Social Reality, Social Practice II: The Formation of Social Judgment 16 Aug 1920, Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
If one now investigates why Schiller of all people understood Goethe best in this year and why Goethe allowed himself to be understood best by Schiller in this year, one comes to this.
Inhalation – exhalation, inhalation – exhalation: this is one of the rhythms that are active in man. It is a relatively easy process to understand: inhalation – exhalation = rhythmic activity. The other two activities can perhaps only be understood by starting from this rhythmic activity.
It is the task of the present to achieve a true understanding of the human being and, on the basis of this true understanding of the human being, to then arrive at an understanding of what today is striving for a true understanding.

Results 5691 through 5700 of 6073

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